York University is the second largest university in Ontario, and the third largest in Canada. Its Keele campus alone covers more than 450 acres! To help you get around or between campuses safely, York University offers a number of different services.

goSAFE is a free service that helps community members get safely around campus in the evening.

York University Transportation Services provides a number of complimentary shuttles for York students, faculty and staff for travel between Keele and Glendon campuses and the "Village". Please note that a YU Card or Seneca ID Card is required for all YorkU shuttles (YU Card only for Glendon/Keele Shuttle). Shuttle services are provided year-round, with the exception of statutory holidays and University closures.

VanGO is a complimentary service provided by York University Transportation Services to assist persons with disabilities get around the Keele campus. For more information about the VanGO service or to register, please contact Student Accessibility Services at

Emergency and Safety Phones
Connect directly with Security or goSAFE using one of the Emergency or Safety Phones located across campus.

York University is well-serviced by a number of public transit agencies, including GO Transit, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), York Region Transit (YRT), VIVA and Brampton Transit (Zum).

York University offers a number of downloadable PDF and online interactive campus maps that identify various campus resources, including but not limited to, campus emergency phones, transit stop locations, parking and buildings. Downloadable maps are also available showing gender-neutral washrooms, bike routes/racks, lockers and accessible door locations around campus.