For life-threatening situations where people or property are at immediate risk, call 911 first, then call Security Services at 416-736-5333, or from your office phone at extension 33333, or for TTY at 416-736-5470.
Medical emergencies
Security Services personnel are trained in First Aid and CPR and have access to First Aid Kits, Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), Oxygen and Naloxone kits. They will attend the scene and provide assistance to people experiencing medical emergencies until emergency responders arrive.
Security Services will meet Fire Services at the campus perimeter and escort them to where they need to go on campus.
Crimes in progress
Security Services works closely with Police Services in responding to crimes that occur on campus
Contact Security Services directly to report other types of urgent on-campus safety incidents:
Suspicious persons or situations
If you see someone or something that looks suspicious, please contact Security Services so that they can investigate. It may be nothing serious, but it is always best to err on the side of safety and let Security Services know about your concerns.
If you or someone you are with experiences any kind of accident on campus, let Security Services know so that they can attend and provide assistance.
If you notice a safety hazard on campus, let Security Services know right away so that they can attend and hopefully prevent an accident.
When crimes have occurred
Security Services can take a report from you and connect you to various support services both on and off campus. They can also assist you with filing a report with the police if that is something that you wish to do. Security Services may call the police if there is a potential on-going threat and the safety of the community is at risk.