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Security Bulletin - Robbery (Keele Campus)

Description: Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, York Security Services received a report of a robbery that occurred at approximately 11 p.m. near Library Lane east of Bergeron. It is reported that two suspects approached two community members and made a demand for valuables. A firearm was seen. No injuries were reported. […]

Security Bulletin - Robbery - Keele Campus

Security Bulletin - Robbery - Keele Campus Alert sent: Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:42:58 PM Event: Security Bulletin - Robbery - Keele Campus Description: Please be advised that on Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021, at approximately 12:30 a.m., York Security Services and Toronto Police Service responded to a robbery that occurred near Stong Pond, close to […]

Security Bulletin - August 6, 2021 Off Campus - Sexual Assault

Alert sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:49:48 PM Event: Security Bulletin - August 6, 2021 Off Campus - Sexual Assault Description: The Toronto Police Service is seeking the public's assistance in an ongoing investigation of a Sexual Assault that took place in the Pioneer Village Subway Station. Instructions: Off Campus Sexual Assault - Pioneer Village […]

Information Security Notice: “Job Opportunity” Phishing

Information Security Notice: “Job Opportunity” Phishing January 6, 2021 Advisories, Announcement, Newsjeanck A large number of phishing messages were sent to York email accounts, part of a known scam advertising a fake “job opportunity”. The messages are fraudulent and intended to trick recipients into providing personal information, including personal (non-York) email address, and cellphone number. At that […]

One-time approval to access workspaces | Autorisation d’accès unique aux espaces de travail

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear Colleagues, Public health guidelines are still determining when and how institutions and businesses can gradually reopen. All Ontario universities are also continuing to work with the government on the interpretation of those public health guidelines specific to higher education. York University has expanded the criteria to access […]

A message from President Lenton: Next steps in York's plan to address anti-Black racism

Dear York Community, Following the global outpouring of grief, anger and demands for change following the brutal death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, York affirmed its solidarity with those experiencing anti-Black racism and our commitment to fighting racism in all of its forms. You can read my statement here. In the days since my statement, […]

An update from President Lenton regarding the Initiative on Open and Respectful Dialogue | Mise à jour de la présidente Lenton au sujet de l’initiative pour un dialogue ouvert et respectueux

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear York Community, Last November, our community experienced a deeply troubling incident at Vari Hall. As a University committed to creating inclusive, equitable and sustainable communities, we understand our responsibility in protecting the role of universities as places where rigorous and respectful debate can take place to tackle […]

Community Update #7 - All major computer systems restored | 7e mise à jour à la communauté - tous les systèmes informatiques principaux ont été rétablis et sécurisés

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear York Community As you know, following the May 1 external cyber-attack on York University computer systems,  UIT was able to quickly isolate the affected network segments and immediately take all the necessary steps to contain and limit the potential severity of the attack. It is now clear […]

Community Update #6 - Computer System Restoration Continues | 6e mise à jour à la communauté - Poursuite de la récupération des systèmes informatiques

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear Colleagues, A Sincere Thanks First, on behalf of everyone in UIT, thank you so very much for expediting York’s IT system recovery by changing your Passport York password so quickly yesterday. As a result of your prompt assistance, we have been able to make significant progress in […]

Community Update #5 - Action Required: Cyber Attack System Recovery | 5e mise à jour à la communauté - Mesure requise pour la récupération des systèmes informatiques après la cyberattaque

La version française suit la version anglaise. Dear Colleagues, As communicated earlier to you today, to ensure maximum security and as an required  step in safely restoring all systems, and better enhance user account protection, we are asking for the entire York community’s assistance by changing their current Passport York password. Starting today, anyone logging […]