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Wacky World of Quarks: The Subatomic Zoo

Wacky World of Quarks: The Subatomic Zoo


Sampa Bhadra

Grade Level
Grades 9 to 12
Sampa Bhadra

Talk Description:

****This talk is no longer available at this time****

What are we made up of? What holds us together? We will explore the complex world of invisible quarks and leptons, and the forces between them. We will see how these interactions are seen with the world largest electron-proton microscope: the ZEUS detector operating at an accelerator in Germany. We inspect the 'tools of the trade' that an experimentalist needs to be able to 'see' these particles. We will see how data compares to the current ideas for the theory that explains what we know of the interactions today, namely the Standard Model. And perhaps we may already be seeing the first signs that the Standard Model is not so 'standard' after all!

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