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Science International Initiatives

Undergraduate International Collaborative Educational Programs

Learn about the Faculty of Science 2+2/2+3 Undergraduate International Collaboration Education Programs, where students complete their first two years of university education followed by their third and fourth years of study in Canada.

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5 students standing and laughing

International Bachelor of Science

Explore the world while you study with the International Bachelor of Science (iBSc) program at York University. This distinctive program, available in Biology and Biomedical Science, is designed not only to deepen your scientific knowledge but also to expand your global perspective—an invaluable asset in today’s interconnected world.

Learn more about the International Bachelor of Science program

York University students standing in front of the Life Sciences Building

York Science Alumni APAC Chapter

The York Science Alumni APAC Chapter aims to:

  1. Build social and professional networks for York Science alumni in Asia-Pacific (APAC);
  2. Serve as a platform to promote communication among York Science graduates;
  3. Organize regular alumni gatherings (virtual and in-person) to network, exchange ideas and share experiences with each other;
  4. Continue to improve the reputation of York University.

York Science Alumni in Asia-Pacific (APAC)

Scan the QR code to join the York Science Alumni Asia-Pacific section on WhatsApp or WeChat.

WhatsApp Group

WhatsApp Group Chat

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WeChat Group

WeChat ID: yorklixueyuan

WeChat Group QR Code
Female student working on laptop

York Science Hainan Learning Centre (SHLC)

FSc Hainan Learning Centre provides physical learning spaces and extra coursework support for students enrolled in Science, who are currently studying online in China due to COVID-19 and the associated travel restrictions.

More information will be available in Fall 2022.