Sometimes you may find your choice of major is not really working out for you. Your interests may change, they may deepen and you want to specialize, they may broaden and you want to include new areas of study. Changing majors is a possibility but you should seek advice.
There are many types of program changes.
Sometimes changing your major may mean also changing Faculties (Science to Health for example) and sometimes it may also mean changing your degree (from BA to BSc for example).
Sometimes you may find your interests becoming more focussed in the major you have chosen. You may want to change from an Honours program to a Specialized Honours.
All of these types of change requests (and others) can be submitted via the Registrar’s Office Program Change website, which includes a video tutorial on how to make change requests.
But advising is critical to help ensure success on your new path.
You should schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor in the program area to which you want to transfer. You can also schedule an appointment with a SAS advisor who will explain the change rules, admission requirements, processes, timelines and provide you with a degree checklist.
Within the Faculty of Science, students may submit a program change request between Feb. 1 and the 10th day of classes in the fall term.
Course Relief
York University allows eligible undergraduate students who have changed their program degree or major to exclude courses completed toward the prior major requirements from their Overall Cumulative GPA (OCGPA) and credit totals for their new program of study.
This policy aims to help students continue in and graduate from a new academic program.