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Biology 5142 3.0: Laboratory Methods of Perceptual Psychology

This course is not being offered this year. This course teaches students how to design and carry out perceptual and cognitive experiments that require careful control of visual stimuli. It covers practical laboratory methods, as well as theoretical background material that is needed in order to design experiments intelligently. Topics include: programming in MATLAB, display […]

Biology 5141 3.0: Brain and Behaviour: Cognitive Systems

This course examines cognitive systems that guide our awareness, behaviour, and mental capacity. Major emphasis is placed on attentional systems and the study of consciousness. This course provides an in depth examination of the cognitive systems that guide our awareness, behaviour and mental capacity. This is done through classic and recent research papers. The two […]

Biology 5139 3.0: Advanced Exercise I: Muscle

Advanced topics in exercise physiology and biochemistry of muscle, including energy metabolism, fatigue, cell signaling and molecular adaptations to exercise and disease states.  Discussion of original research articles in exercise physiology. The following topics will be discussed:The neuromuscular junction;Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling;Motor unit recruitment and fiber types;Reactive oxygen species;Cell signaling and muscle response to contractile activity;Energy metabolism: […]

Biology 5137 3.0: Brain Mechanisms of Movement in Health and Disease

Course Director:Dr. Lauren Sergio350 BethuneExt: 33641e-mail:      Course description:This course will survey the role of different cerebral cortical and sub-cortical areas in controlling voluntary movements. Following a review of the fundamental concepts in motor control and basic neuroanatomy, students will give presentations summarizing what is currently known about the motor function of different brain regions, […]

Biology 5136 3.0: Perception and Action

BIOL 5136 3.0/PSY 6750 3.0P Cr=3.0PERCEPTION AND ACTION This course looks at some of the biological and neurophysiological principles that underlie the representation of the spatial world and the sensory and motor processes with which we interact with the world. Specific examples of the realization of general principles are drawn from how we know about and […]

Biology 5135 3.0: Visualspatial Memory and Goal-Directed Action

Host: Psychology . NOTE: Biology cross-listed to be finalized.  If not finalized by start of course, please request permission from Psychology Graduate Program to enrol in PSYCHOLOGY course. Course Description:This course examines how the brain represents, updates, and transforms spatial information from the senses, primarily vision, into goal-directed movements of the eyes, head, and hand. […]

Biology 5134 3.0: Vascular Biology in Health and Disease

Other CourseBIOL 5134 3.0Vascular Biology in Health and Disease(Cross-listed with KAHS 6301 3.0)Host Program: Kinesiology Understanding the cellular composition and function of the vascular system provides the basis in this course for discussing the processes of angiogenesis, atherosclerosis, inflammation and ischemia-reperfusion injury with an emphasis on current advances in pharmacological and genetic therapies. Blood vessel […]

Biology 5133 3.0: Neuromuscular Physiology

This course examines the physiology of the neuromuscular system as it relates to exercise and to health. Special emphasis is placed on fatigue and the adaptations to training. This course is not being offered this year.