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Annual bee conference at York welcomes scientists from across the globe

On October 12-13, 2023, the Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (BEEc) at York University hosted the twelfth annual BeeCon, a free conference that brings together bee biologists from around the world to discuss bees, collection methods, pollination, genomics, conservation and behaviour. The two-day hybrid event welcomed researchers and community members from over 30 […]

Professor Peter Backx named to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Congratulations to Professor Peter Backx for being elected as a Fellow to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS), considered one of the highest honours for individuals in the Canadian health sciences community. Backx, a professor in the Department of Biology, holds the Canada Research Chair in Cardiovascular Biology. He has been at the forefront […]

Scientist receives Brain Canada grant to combine neuroscience and artificial intelligence in autism research

Professor Kohitij Kar in the Department of Biology is among 28 early-career researchers who received grants valued at $100,000 from Brain Canada’s Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program. His project will combine neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI) studies of vision into autism research. Kar, a Canada Research Chair in Visual Neuroscience, combines machine learning […]


Professor receives $780,000 in CIHR funding

Professor and York University Research Chair Chun Peng received $780,000 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to fund a new project associated with her ongoing research into pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy disorder with a profound impact on maternal and fetal health. The grant funds a project titled “NLRC5 isoforms in placental development and pathogenesis […]

More algal blooms likely in Lake Erie as deep-water oxygen levels continue to drop

Media release from July 25, 2023 York University researchers take novel approach to look at history of deep-water oxygen in Lake Erie through insect larvae in lake sediment over last 150 years. Researchers at York University went searching for the fossilized remains of small insect larvae called chironomids, found in sediment in Lake Erie, to […]

Professor Sapna Sharma appointed as York Research Chair in Global Change Biology

Congratulations to Biology Professor Sapna Sharma on being named among the 15 newest York Research Chairs (YRC), an internal program that mirrors the national Canada Research Chairs program which recognizes world-leading researchers in a variety of fields. “The York Research Chair program is an important complement to the Canada Research Chair program to advance our […]

Graduate student Kathleen Dogantzis receives Governor General Gold Medal

PhD student Kathleen Dogantzis is among three York University graduates receiving this year’s Governor General Gold Medals, which recognize the outstanding scholastic achievements of graduate students in Canada. Dogantzis earned a PhD in biology, following the completion of a master of science at York University. Both degrees were done under the supervision of Professor Amro […]