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Congratulations to all the Graduates of the Chemistry Department!

Time flies when you are having fun!

A month ago, we saw 30 Chemistry and 22 Biochemistry Undergraduate students and 7 Chemistry Graduate students walk across the stage to receive their degrees.

Congratulations to each of those students on behalf of the Faculty and Staff of the Chemistry Department!

Photo of The Chair of Chemistry Dr. van Wijngaarden and 4 PhD Students at the June 2024 Convocation Ceremony
In the photo above, the PhD Graduate Students with the Chair of Chemistry
From left to right: Dr. Liang Hu (Krylov Lab), Dr. An Le (Krylov Lab), The Chair of Chemistry Dr. Jennifer van Wijngaarden, Dr. Jiaqi Shi (Orellana Lab) and Dr. Sreena Thekkoot (Morin Lab)
