At York University

Relativity and Modern Physics | PHYS2040
In this introduction to the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, the relativistic concepts of space, time and energy are explained and the quantum nature of radiation and matter is discussed.
Aimed at second year students in Physics or Engineering major.
As postdoctoral researcher

African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Ghana
Visiting lecturer in 2019 for a three week graduate course "Life of a Particle" co-taught with Dr. Sam Meehan on stochastic modelling in particle physics. This course introduces students to the basic physics concepts involved in the high energy particle physics research carried out at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. The Monte Carlo method, pseudo-random numbers, statistical inference are illustrated with numerous hands-on tutorials using Python.

50. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik Maria Laach
The Fall School for High Energy Physics Maria Laach is a two week school held in German and aimed primarily at doctoral students in the field of theoretical and experimental high-energy physics. The venue is the Benedictine Abbey Maria Laach in the Eifel, Germany. I was invited in 2018 as group coordinator, tutoring the graduate students projects in experimental particle physics.
As Ph.D. student

TRIUMF Junior Research School
I was invited to give a lecture to students from the Meridian and Pioneer Junior Colleges in Singapore for the 2015 and 2016 editions of the Junior Research School. The school is hosted each year at TRIUMF, Canada's particle accelerator centre. I offered an introduction to the research in experimental particle physics done at the Large Hadron Collider, with an emphasis on the Higgs boson discovery.