Charles Hantho
Dr. Hantho is a highly respected executive in the chemical industry in Canada, who has held leadership positions in numerous professional and community organizations.
Dr. Hantho graduated with a BSc In Chemical Engineering from University of Alberta. In 1953, he joined Canadian Industries Limited. He was involved in the construction of Canada’s first polyethylene plastics resin plant in Edmonton, Alberta, and enjoyed a 35 year career with CIL, including a secondment to ICI as Deputy Chairman of the petrochemical division in England. He returned to Canada as Chairman, President and CEO of CIL.
Following his retirement from CIL, Dr. Hantho was appointed Chairman and CEO of Dominion Textile in Montreal, and later became involved in corporate governance. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Dofasco Limited, and served as a director of a number of other Canadian companies, including TransAlta, Inco, Imasco, Hamilton Utilities, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Dr. Hantho also served as the chair of the Board of Governors of York University from 1997-2000.
As chairman of the Canadian Chemicals Producers' Association, Dr. Hantho also played a key role in implementing a program for the protection of the environment and the health and safety of industry workers. Dr. Hantho is a recipient of the Order of Canada (1997), an Honourary Doctorate from York University (2008), and an Honourary Doctorate from the University of Alberta (2013). He is well-known for his philanthropy and continues to serve as a director on the boards of many organizations in the public and private sectors.