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Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Carol Bucking

Carol is interested in how digestion affects the physiology of fishes. Her approaches are integrative and she approaches her questions from a variety of biological levels from the molecular level to the whole animal using different techniques – including molecular, cellular, and behavioural. The role of the environment in shaping physiology during digestion is also a main focus of Carol’s research. As such laboratory studies are tied with field studies which also reflect how animals cope under real-world conditions. She is an assistant professor in the department of biology at York University. 


2003 BScH McMaster University
2008 PhD McMasterUniversity 

Graduate Students

Vladimir Kodzhahinchev

Vlad is currently a Masters student at York University. He is investigating the transport of magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract of goldfish. He is using low magnesium diets as well as low environmental magnesium to explore dietary and environmental regulation in goldfish. He is using SIET and molecular characterization of potential transporters. 

Undergraduate Students

Leah Turner

Leah is currently an undergraduate student at York University. She is investigating the transport of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract of goldfish using SIET and molecular characterization of potential transporters.