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Undergraduate Courses

Biol 4350 – Comparative Chordate Anatomy

This is a lab based course, with anatomical dissections of fish, amphibians, and mammals. The course focuses on comparing anatomical structures across chordate groups and disscussing how structures evolved and (perhpas more importantly) why. A background in both physiology and evolution is recommended.

Biol 4710 – Integrative Environmental Physiology

The course focuses on the phsyiology of animals in response to a changing environment. We will discuss physiological changes at the molecular level, cellular level, whole-animal level, and discuss the implications of indivdual responses on whole populations. Topics will include global warming, aridization, ocean acidifcation, and eutrophication to mention a few. A background in physiology is recommended. 

Graduate Courses

Biol 5350 – Physiology of global change

This is a graduate class that discusses the phsyiology of animals acclimating/adapting to global change.