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Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D. Astronomy, University of Arizona, January 5, 1998. Thesis: An Optical-Infrared Study of Radio-Loud Quasar Environments Advisor: Richard F. Green
  • B.A. Astronomy, University of California at Berkeley, May 1990
  • B.A. Physics, University of California at Berkeley, May 1990

Employment History

  • 7/20-presentYork University Department of Physics & Astronomy Chair
  • 7/16-presentYork University Full Professor 
  • 7/14-6/17, 7/19-6/20York University Department of Physics & Astronomy Undergraduate Program Director 
  • 7/09-7/16York University Associate Professor 
  • 7/04-6/09York University Assistant Professor 
  • 10/03-6/04Princeton University Observatory Research Associate 
  • 10/00-9/03P. Universidad Catolica Investigador Asociado & Princeton University Observatory Research Associate 
  • 1/98-9/00University of Toronto Post-Doctoral Fellow 
    (Supervisors: H. K. C. Yee and R. Carlberg) 
  • 6/94-12/97University of Arizona Graduate Research Assistant 
    (Supervisor: Richard F. Green) 
  • 9/93-5/94University of Arizona Graduate Teaching Assistant in Astronomy 
    (Supervisors: Dr. Jill Bechtold and Dr. Phil Pinto)
  • 9/90-8/93University of Arizona Graduate Research Assistant 
    (Supervisors: Richard F. Green and Patrick S. Osmer)
  • 6/89-8/89University of Wyoming Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant 
    (Supervisor: Earl J. Spillar)

Research Grants Obtained as Principal Investigator

  • 9/18-2/19NSERC Engage Grant: Integrating an Analytical Business Intelligence Module into the Medical Confidence Machine Learning System
  • 5/17-4/23NSERC Discovery Grant: Constraining the Properties of Quasars and their Outflows Using Variability
  • 5/12-4/17NSERC Discovery Grant: Understanding quasar outflows
  • 7/09-6/14Ontario Early Researcher Award: Outflows from disks of matter orbiting supermassive black holes
  • 5/07-4/12NSERC Discovery Grant: Connections Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxy Bulges
  • 5/05-4/07NSERC Discovery Grant: Intrinsic Absorption in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars
  • 7/04-7/06(Approved but Declined) NSF Extragalactic Astronomy Grant: Intrinsic Absorption in SDSS Quasars
  • 9/03-9/04XMM-Newton A02 program: X-rays from Extreme Broad Absorption Line Quasars
    ($38,000; Budgetary PI: Dr. Mike Brotherton)
  • 5/03-4/04A Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    ($6,000 to support the attendance of postdocs and graduate & undergraduate students actively working in the field; co-PI with Dr. Gordon Richards)
  • 12/02-12/03Chandra A04 program: X-rays from Extreme Broad Absorption Line Quasars
    ($35,000; Budgetary PI: Dr. Mike Brotherton)
  • 3/01-2/03Chilean FONDECYT Research Grant: Toward an Unbiased View of Active Galactic Nuclei:
    Infrared Selection and Low Luminosities at High Redshift
  • 9/18-2/19NSERC Engage Grant: Integrating an Analytical Business Intelligence Module into the Medical Confidence Machine Learning System
  • 5/17-4/23NSERC Discovery Grant: Constraining the Properties of Quasars and their Outflows Using Variability
  • 5/12-4/17NSERC Discovery Grant: Understanding quasar outflows
  • 7/09-6/14Ontario Early Researcher Award: Outflows from disks of matter orbiting supermassive black holes
  • 5/07-4/12NSERC Discovery Grant: Connections Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxy Bulges
  • 5/05-4/07NSERC Discovery Grant: Intrinsic Absorption in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars
  • 7/04-7/06(Approved but Declined) NSF Extragalactic Astronomy Grant: Intrinsic Absorption in SDSS Quasars
  • 9/03-9/04XMM-Newton A02 program: X-rays from Extreme Broad Absorption Line Quasars
    ($38,000; Budgetary PI: Dr. Mike Brotherton)
  • 5/03-4/04A Conference on Active Galactic Nuclei Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    ($6,000 to support the attendance of postdocs and graduate & undergraduate students actively working in the field; co-PI with Dr. Gordon Richards)
  • 12/02-12/03Chandra A04 program: X-rays from Extreme Broad Absorption Line Quasars
    ($35,000; Budgetary PI: Dr. Mike Brotherton)
  • 3/01-2/03Chilean FONDECYT Research Grant: Toward an Unbiased View of Active Galactic Nuclei:
    Infrared Selection and Low Luminosities at High Redshift

Refereed Publications (Key: First Author; Heavy Involvement; Some Contribution)


  • The SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper Reverberation Mapping Project: Unusual Broad-Line Variability in a Luminous Quasar , Fries et al. 2022, ApJ, submitted 
  • AGN STORM 2: II. Ultraviolet Observations of Mrk 817 with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, Homayouni et al. 2022, ApJ, submitted
  • Correlated X-ray and UV absorption within the accretion disk wind of the active galactic nucleus PG 1126-041, Giustini et al. 2022, A&A, submitted 


  • Active Galactic Nuclei in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey, Hall, P. B., Yee, H. K. C., Lin, H., Morris, S. L., Patton, D. R., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C. W., Wirth, G. D. and Carlberg, R. G. 2000, AJ, 120, 2220 (astro-ph/0007167)
  • Spectroscopic Gravitational Lens Candidates in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey, Hall, P. B., Yee, H. K. C., Lin, H., Morris, S. L., Gladders, M. D., Carlberg, R. G., Patton, D. R., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C. W., and Wirth, G. D. 2000, AJ, 120, 1660 (astro-ph/0006434)
  • The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey I. The Survey and the Catalog for the CNOC2 0223+00 Patch, Yee, H.K.C., Morris, S.L., Lin, H., Carlberg, R., Hall, P.B., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., Wirth, G.D., Ellingson, E., and Shepherd, C.W. 2000, ApJS, 129, 475 (astro-ph/0004026)
  • Galaxy Clustering Evolution in the CNOC2 High Luminosity Sample, Carlberg, R., Yee, H.K.C., Morris, S.L., Lin, H., Hall, P.B., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., and Shepherd, C.W. 2000, ApJ, 542, 57
  • CFHT AO Imaging of the CLASS Gravitational Lens System B1359+154, Rusin, D., Hall, P. B., Nichol, R. C., Marlow, D. R., Richards, A. M. S., and S. T. Myers 2000, ApJL, 533, L89 (astro-ph/9911420)
  • The Merger Rate to Redshift One from Kinematic Pairs: Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey XI, Carlberg, R. G., Cohen, J. G., Patton, D. R., Blandford, R., Hogg, D. W., Yee, H. K. C., Morris, S. L., Lin, H., Cowie, L. L., Hu, E., Songaila, A., Hall, P. B., Sawicki, M., and Wirth, G. W. 2000, ApJL, 532, L1
  • Deep Multicolor Quasar Survey I. Imaging Observations and Catalog of Stellar Objects by Hall, P. B., Osmer, P. S., Green, R. F., Porter, A. C., and Warren, S. J. 1996, ApJS 104, 185 (astro-ph/9512051)
  • Deep Multicolor Quasar Survey II. Initial Spectroscopy and Comparison with Expected Number Counts by Hall, P. B., Osmer, P. S., Green, R. F., Porter, A. C., and Warren, S. J. 1996, ApJ 462, 614 (astro-ph/9512052) The published version does not have full-resolution figures due to printer’s errors. An Erratum is available in PDF format: ApJ 471, 1073 (1996) A few minor additional errors have come to light: Quasar #33 in Table 1 should have a declination of +49 52 00.75, and some of the uncertainties in Tables 3 and 4 were computed incorrectly, though the differences are small and do not change the conclusions.
  • Spectroscopic and Morphological Evidence that IRAS FSC 10214+4724 is a Gravitational Lens, by Close, L. M., Hall, P. B., Liu, C. T., and Hege, E. K. 1995, ApJL 452, L9.
  • A ROSAT Search for X-ray Emission from Quasar Host Clusters, by Hall, P. B., Ellingson, E., Green, R. F., and Yee, H. K. C. 1995, AJ 110, 513. (astro-ph/9506029)

Intensive Optical Monitoring of the BL Lac Object PKS 2155-304, Smith, P. S., Hall, P. B., Allen, R. A., Sitko, M. L. 1992, ApJ 400, 115.

Selected Unrefereed Abstracts and Conference Proceedings

  • The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer Book 2018, Hill, et al. 2018 (arXiv:1810.08695)
  • SDSS-V: Pioneering Panoptic Spectroscopy, Kollmeier, et al. 2017 (arXiv:1711.03234)
  • The Detailed Science Case for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: the Composition and Dynamics of the Faint Universe, McConnachie, et al. 2016 (arXiv:1606.00043)
  • Monitoring Quasar Colour Variability in Stripe 82, Rogerson, Hall, MacLeod & Ivezic 2011, in “AGN Winds in Charleston,” 124 (arXiv:1203.2162)
  • Polar Broad Absorption Line Quasars: An Open QuestionHall & Chajet 2011, MNRAS, submitted but subsequently withdrawn (not due to content, just due to workload) 
  • Modeling Line Emission from Disk Winds, Hall & Chajet 2010, in Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxies, eds. Peterson, Somerville & Storchi-Bergmann, p. 398
  • The Black Hole-Bulge Relationship in Luminous Broad-Line Active Galactic Nuclei and Host Galaxies, Shen, Vanden Berk, Schneider & Hall 2007, in The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, eds. Ho & Wang, p. 68
  • Graduate student workshop Cooking with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Canadian Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, May 2007

  • Evidence for the presence of dust in intervening QSO absorbers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Khare, P. et al. 2005, in Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines, ed. P. R. Williams, C. Shu, and B. Menard, p. 427 
  • Detection of the 2175 Angstrom dust feature from The Sloan Digital Sky Survey first and second data releases, Wang, J., Ge, J., Hall, P. B., Prochaska, J. X., & Li, A. 2005, in Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines, eds. Williams, Shu & Menard, p. 331 
  • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey QSO absorption line catalog, York, D. G. et al. 2005, in Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines, ed. P. R. Williams, C. Shu, and B. Menard, p. 58 

  • Quasar Variability Measurements with SDSS Repeated Imaging and POSS Data, Ivezic, Z. et al. 2004, in “The Interplay Among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei,” eds. Storchi-Bergmann, Ho & Schmitt, 525 (astro-ph/0404487)
  • Unconventional AGN from the SDSSHall, P. B., et al. 2004, in “Multiwavelength AGN Surveys,” ed. R. Mujica & R. Maiolino (Singapore: World Scientific), 247 (astro-ph/0403347)
  • The Distribution of Quasars and Galaxies in Radio Color-Color and Morphology Diagrams, Ivezic, Z. et al. 2004, to appear in “Multiwavelength AGN Surveys,” ed. R. Mujica & R. Maiolino (astro-ph/0403314)
  • An MHD-driven Disk Wind Outflow in SDSS J0300+0048?Hall, P. B. & Hutsemekers, D. 2004, in AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, eds. G. T. Richards & P. B. Hall, p. 227 (astro-ph/0311561)
  • SDSS Quasars and Dust ReddeningHall, P. B., Hopkins, P., et al. 2004, in AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ed. G. T. Richards & P. B. Hall, p. 65 (astro-ph/0312281)
  • Galaxy Evolution in Three Dimensions: Time, Space and Mass, Kodama, T., et al. 2004, in Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, ed. R. Bender & A. Renzini (astro-ph/0312321)
  • Quasar Radio Dichotomy: Two Peaks, or not Two Peaks, that is the Question, Ivezic et al. 2004, in AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, eds. G. T. Richards & P. B. Hall, p. 347 (astro-ph/0310569)
  • Counts of Low-redshift SDSS Quasar Candidates, Ivezic et al. 2004, in AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, eds. G. T. Richards & P. B. Hall, p. 437 (astro-ph/0310566)
  • Constraints on Continuum, BELR, and BALR Physics, Richards, Hall et al. 2004, in AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ed. G. T. Richards & P. B. Hall, p. 25 (astro-ph/0312137)

  • The Optical, Infrared and Radio Properties of Extragalactic Sources Observed by SDSS, 2MASS and FIRST Surveys, Ivezic et al. 2001, in IAU Colloquium 184, AGN Surveys, eds. R. F. Green, E. Ye. Khachikian, & D. B. Sanders (ASP, San Francisco), p. 15 (astro-ph/0111024)
  • Extreme BAL Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyHall, P. B., et al. 2002, in Mass Outflow from Active Galactic Nuclei: New Perspectives, eds. D.M. Crenshaw, S.B. Kraemer, and I.M. George, 161(astro-ph/0107182)
  • Faint Quasar SurveysHall, P. B., 2001, in The New Era of Wide-Field Astronomy, ed. R. G. Clowes, A. J. Adamson, G. E. Bromage, p. 84 (astro-ph/0010501)

An Efficient Search for L Dwarfs, T Dwarfs, and z>5.5 QuasarsHall, P.B., Gladders, M.D., Barrientos, F., Yee, H.K.C., & Sawicki, M. 2000, BAAS 32, #3.10

  • Moderately and Extremely Red Galaxies in the Fields of Radio-Loud Quasars at z=1-2Hall, P. B., Sawicki, M., & Lin, H. 2000, in Clustering at High Redshift, eds. Mazure, A., Le Fevre, O., & Le Brun, V., 205
  • The Colour Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function and Its Evolution in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey, Shepherd, C.W., Carlberg, R., Yee, H.K.C., Morris, S.L., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Hall, P.B., & Patton, D. 2000, in Clustering at High Redshift, eds. Mazure, A., Le Fevre, O., & Le Brun, V., 452
  • Quasar Candidates in the Hubble Deep Field South, Monier, E., Conti, A., Osmer, P., Kennefick, J., Hall, P.B., & Smith, M. 1999, BAAS 31, #17.03
  • Observations of Candidate z=1.54 Quasar Host ClustersHall, P. B., Sawicki, M., Pritchet, C. J., Hartwick, F. D. A., & Evans, A. 1999, in The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, eds. A. J. Bunker & W. J. M. van Breugel (ASP: San Francisco), 415 (astro-ph/9908102)
  • Galaxy Clustering in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey, Carlberg, R., Yee, H.K.C., Morris, S.L., Lin, H., Hall, P.B., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., & Shepherd, C.W. 1999, in The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift, eds. A. J. Bunker & W. J. M. van Breugel (ASP: San Francisco), 377 (astro-ph/9910100)
  • Application of CNOC2 Calibrated Photometric Redshifts to a 6 Square Degree BVRI Survey, Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Yee, H.K.C., Hall, P.B., & Gladders, M.D. 1999, in Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies, eds. R. Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Sawicki, & R. Brunner (ASP: San Francisco), 154

  • Evolution of the Galaxy Merger Rate from z=0 to z=0.5, Patton, D. R., Pritchet, C. J., Wirth, G. D., Carlberg, R. G., Hall, P. B., Lin, H., Sawicki, M., Shepherd, C. W., Yee, H. K. C., Marzke, R. O., Morris, S. L., Schade, D. & Ellingson, E. 1998, in Galaxy Dynamics, eds. D. R. Merritt, M. Valluri, and J. A. Sellwood, (San Francisco: ASP), 513
  • Properties of Candidate Cluster Galaxies at z>1Hall, P. B. 1998, talk presented at the 13th Kingston Meeting on Theoretical Astrophysics: Galaxy Formation and Cosmic Star Formation History. (astro-ph/9812195)
  • The Environment of the Radio-Quiet Quasar E 1821+643, Saxton, R. D., Hall, P. B., and Turner, M. J. L. 1998, in proceedings of “Dal nano- al tera-eV: tutti i colori degli AGN”, third Italian conference on AGNs, Roma, Memorie S.A.It
  • IAU 6869 & 6870, 1998 April 7, recovery of new Uranian moons S/1997 U 1 (Caliban) and S/1997 U 2 (Sycorax). With D. Groom (LBNL), I performed observations with the Big Throughput Camera on the CTIO 4-meter telescope which enabled important refinements to these satellites’ orbits to be made.
  • IAU 6852, 1998 March 28, optical counterpart of GRB 980326. With M. Smith (CTIO), I was part of the “large collaboration” which identified the optical counterpart of GRB 980326. We performed observations with the Big Throughput Camera on the CTIO 4-meter telescope.

Multiwavelength Observations of the February 1996 High-Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279; Wehrle, A. E. et al. 1997, in Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium, eds. Charles D. Dermer, Mark S. Strickman, and James D. Kurfess, AIP Conference Proceedings 410, 1417

Field Galaxy Evolution Studies with an Optical Multicolor Deep-Sky Survey; Liu, C. T., Green, R. F., Hall, P. B. and Osmer, P. S. 1996, in “New Light on Galaxy Evolution,” eds. Bender, R., and Davies, R. L., (Kluwer: Dordrecht), 406.

Faculty-Student Relationships: A Video Perspective, The Steward Observatory Not Ready for Dark Time Players, 1991, BAAS 23, 1438.

Research Skills

  • Very experienced with longslit, multislit, and multifiber optical spectroscopy.
  • Experienced with deep and wide-field optical and infrared imaging and reductions, including FOCAS, PPP, and SKICAT detection and cataloguing software.
  • Experienced with optical/IR observing and 1-2m class telescope operation.
  • Experienced with adaptive-optics infrared imaging and reductions.
  • Experienced with acquisition and reduction of polarimetric data.
  • Experienced with analysis of X-ray imaging data.
  • Experienced with acquisition and reduction of SCUBA sub-millimeter data.
  • Very experienced with IRAF as both software and programming language.
  • Also experienced with MATLAB, UNIX, SQL, Perl, IDL, FORTRAN, LaTeX and HTML.