Quick links: astro-ph / find / new / help | HDF / South | STScI / Presto | Astroweb & bkup | AstroWebGuide | AstroPeople | DSS / bkup
- AAAS: American Association for the Advancement of Science
- AAS / Job Register / AASTeX / Directory / Education / Meetings / Public Policy
- AAT: Anglo-Australian Telescope | TTF: TAURUS Tunable Filter | AAT Service Observing | PATT
- ADC: Astronomical Data Center
- ADS abstracts personal form | generic form | POSS photometric calibration | Astrophysical Data System
- AEOS: Advanced Electro-Optical System (Air Force 3.67m on Maui)
- AIP: American Institute of Physics / AIP FYI science policy news
- AJ: The Astronomical Journal / Electronic AJ
- Aladin -- interactive sky atlas at CDS
- AMASE -- Astrophysics Multispectral Archive Search Engine
- Annual Reviews & Other Astronomy Text Resources
- APJ: The Astrophysical Journal / APJ Letters / APJ Supplement / Manuscript Details / Electronic APJ
- APM on-line or telnet; login: CATALOGUES
- APS: Automated Plate Scanner of U.Minnesota & the digitized POSS I on-line
- U. of A. / Astronomy Dept. / Steward Obs. / Scope Schedules / MMT Almanac99 / Observer's Homepage
- Arp Atlas on-line
- ASCA | ASCA Data Facility | ASCA Guest Observer Facility
- Astrobib: Astronomy Paper Bibliographical System
- ASCL: Astrophysics Source Code Library
- ASDS: Astronomical Software Directory Service
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Bad Astronomy / Bad Science
- CADC: Canadian Astronomy Data Centre / DSS interface
- CADIS: Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey
- Cambridge (UK) | Preprints | CIRSI (Cambridge IR Survey Instrument)
- Canada-France Redshift Survey
- CASCA: Canadian Astronomical Society | E-Cassio Newsletter
- CDS: Centre de Data astronomiques de Strasbourg / catalog format guidelines / biblio service
- CFHT / Backup / 2000 Ephemeris / Archive / Detector Group Homepage / Users' Meeting Forum
- Chandra Science Center | Proposal Info
- CNOC: Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology / CNOC Field Coords & Finders / UVic CNOC Web Archive / Greg Wirth's CNOC Page / cnoc97b package / CNOCOBSPKG Package
- CITA (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) | Visitors List
- Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy | Database
- CTIO: Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory | Travel | Schedules | Ephemeris | IRS Bkgd | CIRIM
- DAO: Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
- International Dark Sky Association
- DEEP: Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe
- EINSTEIN Observatory Data Archive
- EINLINE On-line EINSTEIN Data Archive Access
- Elements, The Periodic Table of
- ESO: European Southern Observatory | EIS: ESO Imaging Survey | NTT SUSI Deep Field
- ESO/ST-ECF archive
- The FIRST Home Page
- FITS table standards
- FTP sites (astronomy)
- Fullam Award
- GALEX: The Galaxy Evolution Explorer
- Gemini IR camera
- Gemini Telescopes
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA)
- University of Hawaii - Institute for Astronomy
- HEASARC: High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center | W3browse
- HIA: Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics / Travel Grant Requests / DAO Observing Forms
- HST Archive | Medium Deep Survey | MDS@CMU | HMOD
- IAU: International Astronomical Union | Commission 5: Documentation & Astronomical Data | Nomenclature Specifications
- IRAF: Help / Buglogs / ftp search / Tips & Tricks / Update / V2.11 Notes / Newsletter
- IPAC (including XSCANPI) and IRAS Online
- IRTF | IRTF Service Observing Info
- ISO: the Infrared Space Observatory
- JKT/WHT/INT service observing info and form
- Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope CCD Manual (a good basic CCD intro)
- JCMT Application Forms & Schedules / User's Guide / SCUBA & other instruments
- Keck Observatory | LRIS | LRIS Spectroscopic Efficiency
- Landolt Standards Catalog from Lowell | Notes
- KPNO: Kitt Peak National Observatory | Ephemeris | Schedules
- La Palma (& Westerbork) Data Archive (telnet text query): arcquery obscat_lp
- Lawrence Berkeley Lab/Lick High-Resistivity CCDs
- LBT: Large Binocular Telescope / OSU LBT site
- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) Astronomical Observatory
- Meetings List (Astronomy)
- BTC: U. Michigan's Big Throughput Camera
- U. Michigan's Radio Observatory AGN Monitoring Database
- MMT: Multiple Mirror Telescope
- Mount Graham International Observatory
- MPIA: Max-Planck Institut fuer Astronomie (Heidelberg)
- The Mad Scientist Network
- NAS: The National Academy of Science / 2000-2010 Decadal Survey in Astronomy
- NASA Home Page / NASA Data Archive and Distribution Service
- NASA Office of Space Science (OSS) |
- Research Solicitations | Structure and Evolution of the Universe
- NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library
- NED: NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
- NSF Astronomy -- Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Division of Astronomical Sciences
- National Research Council (U.S.)
- National Space Society
- Nature Online
- New Astronomy
- NGST: Next Generation Space Telescope
- NICMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera Multi Object Spectrograph
- NOAO: National Optical Astronomy Observatories | Proposals | NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey | Supporting Capabilities for Large Telescopes
- NRAO: National Radio Astronomy Observatories
- NVSS: NRAO VLA Sky Survey
- Orbiting Astronomical Observatories List
- OSU: The Ohio State University | OSU MOSAIC IR Camera | CCD Info
- PASP: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | Electronic Edition | PASP abstracts
- Planetary Society
- Preprints | Princeton Preprints
- PROS: Post-Reduction Offline Software (x-ray data analysis system)
- Radio Surveys Database
- ROSAT: Roentgen Satellite for X-ray Astronomy / W3Browse Archive / LEDAS archive at Leicester / All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog (1RXS) / Observing Timelines & Target Lists / Proposal Info / HRI Calibration Report / RPS: Remote Proposal System / ROSAT at MPE / ROSAT anonymous ftp | related info
- Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) -- MNRAS
- RGO Astronomy Data Center
- Satellite Visibility
- Save The Bits
- Science Friday
- Science Online
- SETI Institute: The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
- SHARC (Serendipitous High-z Archival Rosat Cluster) Survey
- SIMBAD / US Mirror
- SIRTF: the Space Infra-Red Telescope Facility
- SKY Online
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey | SDSS Quasar Selection
- Solar System Info
- Statistics
- STIS: Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph | Calibration Info (STIS Team Home Page)
- STJ: Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detectors for Astronomy
- STScI: Space Telescope Science Institute / MAST: Multimission Archive at ST / HST 2nd Decade Study / HST Cycle 8 Proposals / Announcement
- Starbase ascii table manipulation utility
- The SURAP Home Page and Photo Gallery
- University of Toronto/David Dunlop Observatory
- 2dF | 2dF Quasar Survey
- UKIRT | UKIRT Data Archive | ukirt service obs.: ftp star.roe.ac.uk, cd [ftp.ukirtserv]
- URANIA: Universal Research Archive of Networked Information in Astronomy
- VLA archive; hit VLA & Cumulative Observation List; or (?) ftp.aoc.nrao.edu (, /pub/cumvlaobs.txt
- Video On-Line: Astronomy
- Vizier catalog browser at CDS
- WARPS ROSAT Cluster Survey
- WHIRCAM & WYFFOS at La Palma
- WISARD: Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data
- WIRE: Wide-field Infra-Red Explorer
- Wyoming Infrared Observatory (my summer research alma mater, via the SURAP program)
Data Reduction & Computer Stuff:
Other (People's) Resources: