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About Me
Ian Lumb completed his B.Sc. in Solid Earth Geophysics at McGill University. Aimed at elucidating aspects of the self-sustaining mechanism responsible for Earth’s magnetic field and its various peculiarities, Ian’s M.Sc. emphasized geophysical fluid dynamics - an emphasis that required him to design, implement, and carry out computational, theoretical, and physical experiments. The highly interdisciplinary nature of geophysics has allowed Ian to apply his acquired background in computer science, geology, mathematics, chemistry, and physics to his ongoing work in the private sector as well as in his teaching. In the case of teaching and learning for the Division of Natural Science, his cumulative experience has recently resulted in the creation of a brand-new course - namely, Understanding Artificial Intelligence (NATS 1506).
In addition to the new AI course, Ian often teaches NATS courses that emphasize environmental (e.g., NATS 1515, NATS 1516) and/or physical sciences (e.g., NATS 1750, NATS 1780).
Through scholarly publications and presentations, Ian continues to demonstrate both broad and deep engagement through his interests in scientific and pedagogical research.
Research Interests: Applied Artificial Intelligence; Solid Earth Geophysics; Pedagogical Research
Teaching Interests: Artificial Intelligence; Environmental Science - water & atmospheric pollution; Physical science - Earth & atmospheric science
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Geophysics, Geoscience Education Research