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Laurie Wilcox

Picture of Laurie Wilcox
Laurie Wilcox
Full Professor




Office Location Lassonde Building, 0003H
Phone Number (416)736-2100 x 66494 (Voicemail)

Research Focus

Stereopsis is a binocular cue to depth that on its own can provide extremely accurate depth information and a compelling sense of the third dimension (3D). It is thought to be important in such everyday tasks as walking up stairs, or threading a needle. This cue to depth is based on differences in the position of the images of an object on the two retinae, known as binocular disparity. The aim of my basic research program is to understand how the human visual system processes this binocular disparity signal to obtain depth information. My lab has identified distinct cortical systems that process fine and coarse disparities; we have shown that the coarse disparity system is used to provide depth information when images cannot be fused. In other studies we have shown that coarse stereopsis does not require fusional eye movements, and that this system is used by children with amblyopia to make accurate depth judgments. In addition to this fundamental research, my laboratory is actively involved in applied research projects with industry partners. We have been involved in collaborative work with companies such as Christie Digital, and IMAX to evaluate factors that influence our perception of depth and motion in 2D and 3D display content.

Representative  Publications:

Allison RS, Smith C, Wilkinson F, Wilcox LM (2018) Monovision: Consequences for depth perception from large disparities. In press, Experimental Eye Research (special issue)

Hartle B, Wilcox LM and Murray RF (2018) Optimal combination of illusory and luminance-defined 3D surfaces: A role for ambiguity. Journal of Vision, 18(4):14, 1-15.

Wilcox, LM, Hartle, B, Mackenzie KJ, Solski A, Giaschi, D. (2017) Disparity configuration influences depth discrimination in naïve adults, but not in children, Vision Research, 131, 106-119.

Goutcher R, Wilcox LM (2016) Representation and measurement of stereoscopic volumes. Journal of Vision, 16 (11).

Kim, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Murray, R. F. (2016) Perceived 3D shape toggles perceived glow. Current Biology, 26, 9, 350-351. DOI:

Allison RS and Wilcox LM (2015) Perceptual tolerance to stereoscopic 3D image distortion. Transactions on Applied Perception, 12, 3. DOI:

Deas LM and Wilcox LM (2015) Perceptual grouping via binocular disparity: The impact of stereoscopic good continuation. Journal of Vision, 15 (11) 1-13 doi:10.1167/15.11.11.

Deas LM and Wilcox LM (2014) Gestalt grouping via closure degrades suprathreshold depth percepts. Journal of Vision, 14(9) DOI: 10.1167/14.9.14.

Lugtigheid AJ, Wilcox LM, Allison RS and Howard IP (2014) Vergence eye movements are not required for stereoscopic depth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, v281, no 1776.

Giaschi DE, Lo R, Narasimhan S, Lyons C, Wilcox LM (2013) Sparing of coarse stereopsis in stereodeficient children with a history of amblyopia, Journal of Vision 13(10):17, 1–15


Vision science, systems neuroscience, binocular vision, animal physiology, psychophysics

Research Areas

Physiology and Neuroscience