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Stanislaw Jerzak

Picture of Stanislaw Jerzak
Stanislaw Jerzak
Full Professor, Teaching Stream
Coordinator - First Year Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy


Physics and Astronomy




Office Location 233 Petrie Science & Engineering Building (PSE)
Phone Number (416)736-2100 ext. 44102

Research Specialization

Ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials; Physics education; Undergraduate laboratory pedagogy.

I have used Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to study structural phase transitions in ferroelectric and ferroelastic materials. My most recent work was related to ferroelastics, which transform into a super-protonic phase. These materials may find important applications in fuel cells and various sensors. Over the last few years, I have conducted research in the area of physics education. My recent publications have been related to online learning and undergraduate physics laboratory pedagogy.

Research Areas

Chemical and Condensed Matter Physics

Research Types
