Liesefeld HR, Lamy D, Gaspelin N, Geng JJ, Kerzel D, Schall JD, Allen HA, Anderson BA, Boettcher S, Busch NA, Carlisle NB, Colonius H, Draschkow D, Egeth H, Leber AB, Müller HJ, Röer JP, Schubö A, Slagter HA, Theeuwes J, Wolfe J. (2024) Terms of debate: Consensus definitions to guide the scientific discourse on visual distraction. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 2024 Jan 4. doi: 10.3758/s13414-023-02820-3. Online ahead of print.
Reppert TR, Heitz RP, Schall JD. (2023) Neural mechanisms for executive control of speed-accuracy trade-off. Cell Reports 42(11):113422.
Gaspelin N, Lamy D, Egeth HE, Liesefeld HR, Kerzel D, Mandal A, Müller MM, Schall JD, Schubö A, Slagter HA, Stilwell BT, van Moorselaar D. (2023) The distractor positivity component and the inhibition of distracting stimuli. J Cogn Neurosci. 35(11):1693-1715.
Westerberg JA, Schall JD, Woodman GF, Maier A. (2023) Feedforward attentional selection in sensory cortex. Nature Communications 14(1):5993.
Westerberg JA, Sigworth EA, Schall JD, Maier A. (2021) Pop-out search instigates beta-gated feature selectivity enhancement across V4 layers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(50):e2103702118.
Westerberg JA, Maier A, Schall JD. (2020) Priming of attentional selection in macaque visual cortex: Feature-based facilitation and location-based inhibition of return. eNeuro. 7(2):ENEURO.0466-19.2020.
Lowe KA, Reppert TR, Schall JD (2019) Selective influence and sequential operations: A research strategy for visual search. Visual Cognition, Special Issue associated with symposium: “Visual Search and Selective Attention”, 2018, co-edited by the VSSA IV session organizers (J. Schall, J. Wolfe, C. Olivers, H.J. Müller, T. Geyer). 27(5-8), 387–415.
Kaleb A. Lowe, Jeffrey D. Schall (2019) Sequential operations revealed by serendipitous feature selectivity in frontal eye field bioRxiv 683144; doi:
Westerberg, JA, Maier A, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2020) Performance monitoring during visual priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 32(3):515-526
Servant M, Tillman G, Schall JD, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ. (2019) Neurally constrained modeling of speed-accuracy tradeoff during visual search: Gated accumulation of modulated evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology 121(4):1300-1314.
Reppert TR, Servant M, Heitz RP, Schall JD. (2018) Neural mechanisms of speed-accuracy tradeoff of visual search: Saccade vigor, the origin of targeting errors, and comparison of the superior colliculus and frontal eye field. Journal of Neurophysiology 2018 Jul 1;120(1):372-384.
Cosman JD, Lowe KA, Zinke W, Woodman GF, Schall JD. (2018) Prefrontal Control of Visual Distraction. Current Biology 28(8):1330.
Nelson MJ, Murthy A, Schall JD. (2016) Neural control of visual search by frontal eye field: chronometry of neural events and race model processes. Journal of Neurophysiology 115(4):1954-69
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Heitz RP, Schall JD (2012) Neural mechanisms of speed-accuracy tradeoff. Neuron 76(3): 616-28.
Purcell BA, Weigand PK, Schall JD (2012) Supplementary eye field during visual search: Salience, cognitive control, and performance monitoring. Journal of Neuroscience 32(30):10273-85.
Purcell BA, Heitz RP, Cohen JY, Schall JD (2012) Response variability of frontal eye field neurons modulates with sensory input and saccade preparation but not visual search salience. Journal of Neurophysiology 108(10):2737-50.
Heitz RP, Cohen JY, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2010) Neural correlates of correct and errant attentional selection revealed through N2pc and frontal eye field activity. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 2433-2441.
Cohen JY, Crowder EA, Heitz RP, Subraveti CR, Thompson KG, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2010) Cooperation and competition among frontal eye field neurons during visual target selection.The Journal of Neuroscience Mar 3;30(9):3227-38.
Nelson MJ, Boucher L, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD (2010) Nonindependent and nonstationary response times in stopping and stepping saccade tasks. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 72(7):1913-29.
Murthy A, Ray S, Shorter SM, Schall JD, Thompson KG (2009) Neural control of visual search by frontal eye field: effects of unexpected target displacement on visual selection and saccade preparation. Journal of Neurophysiology 101(5):2485-506.
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Woodman GF, Kang M-S, Thompson KG, Schall JD (2008) The effect of visual search efficiency on response preparation: Neurophysiological evidence for discrete flow. Psychological Science 19(2):128-136.
Murthy A, Ray S, Shorter SM, Priddy EG, Schall JD, Thompson KG. (2007) Frontal eye field contributions to rapid corrective saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 97(2):1457-69.
Cohen JY, Pouget P, Woodman GF, Subraveti CR, Schall JD, Rossi AF (2007) Difficulty of visual search modulates neuronal interactions and response variability in the frontal eye field. Journal of Neurophysiology 98(5):2580-7.
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Middlebrooks PG, Zandbelt BB, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD. (2020) Countermanding perceptual decision-making. iScience 2020 23(1):100777.
Errington SP, Schall JD. (2020) Express saccades during a countermanding task. Journal of Neurophysiology 124(2):484-496.
Errington SP, Woodman GF, and Schall JD (2020) Dissociation of medial frontal β-bursts and executive control. The Journal of Neuroscience 40(48):9272-9282.
Frederick Verbruggen Is the corresponding author with Adam R Aron, Guido PH Band, Christian Beste, Patrick G Bissett, Adam T Brockett, Joshua W Brown, Samuel R Chamberlain, Christopher D Chambers, Hans Colonius, Lorenza S Colzato, Brian D Corneil, James P Coxon, Annie Dupuis, Dawn M Eagle, Hugh Garavan, Ian Greenhouse, Andrew Heathcote, René J Huster, Sara Jahfari, J Leon Kenemans, Inge Leunissen, Chiang-Shan R Li, Gordon D Logan, Dora Matzke, Sharon Morein-Zamir, Aditya Murthy, Martin Paré, Russell A Poldrack, K Richard Ridderinkhof, Trevor W Robbins, Matthew Roesch, Katya Rubia, Russell J Schachar, Jeffrey D Schall, Ann-Kathrin Stock, Nicole C Swann, Katharine N Thakkar, Maurits W van der Molen, Luc Vermeylen, Matthijs Vink, Jan R Wessel, Robert Whelan, Bram B Zandbelt, C Nico Boehler. (2019) A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task. eLife 8:e46323.
Schall JD, Palmeri TJ, Logan GD. (2017) Models of inhibitory control. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 372(1718).
Palmeri TP, Schall JD, GD Logan (2015). Neurocognitive modeling of perceptual decision making. Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology. Edited by J.R. Busemeyer, Z.J. Wang, J.T. Townsend & A. Eidels. Oxford University Press. Pages 320-355
Godlove DC, Schall JD (2016) Microsaccade production during saccade cancellation in a stop-signal task. Vision Research 118:5-16.
Middlebrooks PG and Schall JD (2014) Response inhibition during perceptual decision making in humans and macaques. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 76(2):353-66.
Schall, J. D., & Godlove, D. C. (2012). Current advances and pressing problems in studies of stopping. Current Opinion in Neurobiology doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2012.06.002.
Godlove DC, Garr AK, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2011). Measurement of the extraocular spike potential during saccade countermanding. Journal of Neurophysiology 106(1):104-14.
Stuphorn V, Brown JW, Schall JD (2010) Role of supplementary eye field in saccade initiation: Executive, not direct, control Journal of Neurophysiology 103:801–816.
Schall JD. (2009) Cingulate cortex - Role in eye movements. In MD Binder, N Hirokawa & U Windhorst, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (pp. 721-722). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Brown JW, Hanes DP, Schall JD, Stuphorn V (2008) Relation of frontal eye field activity to saccade initiation during a countermanding task. Experimental Brain Research 190(2):135-51.
Boucher L, Stuphorn V, Logan GD, Schall JD, Palmeri TJ (2007) Stopping eye and hand movements: Are the processes independent? Perception & Psychophysics 69(5):785-801.
Boucher L, Palmeri TJ, Logan GD, Schall JD (2007) Inhibitory control in mind and brain: an interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Psychological Review 114(2):376-97.
Logan GD, Yamaguchi M, Schall JD, Palmeri TJ (2015) Inhibitory control in mind and brain 2.0: blocked-input models of saccadic countermanding. Psychological Review. 122:115-147.
Lo CC, Boucher L, Paré M, Schall JD, Wang XJ (2009) Proactive inhibitory control and attractor dynamics in countermanding action: A spiking neural circuit model. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(28):9059-71.
Camalier CR, Gotler A, Murthy A, Thompson KG, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD (2007) Dynamics of saccade target selection: Race model analysis of double step and search step saccade production in human and macaque. Vision Research 47(16):2187-211.
Nelson MJ, Boucher L, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD (2010) Nonindependent and nonstationary response times in stopping and stepping saccade tasks. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 72(7):1913-29.
Murthy A, Ray S, Shorter SM, Schall JD, Thompson KG (2009) Neural control of visual search by frontal eye field: effects of unexpected target displacement on visual selection and saccade preparation. Journal of Neurophysiology 101(5):2485-506.
Murthy A, Ray S, Shorter SM, Priddy EG, Schall JD, Thompson KG. (2007) Frontal eye field contributions to rapid corrective saccades. Journal of Neurophysiology 97(2):1457-69.
Emeric EE, Brown JW, Boucher L, Carpenter RH, Hanes DP, Harris R, Logan GD, Mashru RN, Paré M, Pouget P, Stuphorn V, Taylor TL, and Schall JD (2007) Influence of history on saccade countermanding performance in humans and macaque monkeys. Vision Research 47(1):35-49.
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Ray S, Schall JD, Murthy A. (2004) Programming of double-step saccade sequences: modulation by cognitive control. Vision Research 44(23):2707-18.
Schall JD, Stuphorn V, Brown JW (2002) Monitoring and control of action by the frontal lobes. Neuron 36(2):309-22.
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Cox, Gregory E., Thomas Palmeri, Gordon D. Logan, Philip L. Smith, and Jeffrey Schall (2022) Salience by competitive and recurrent interactions: Bridging neural spiking and computation in visual attention. Psychological Review doi: 129(5):1144-1182.
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Servant M, Tillman G, Schall JD, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ. (2019) Neurally constrained modeling of speed-accuracy tradeoff during visual search: Gated accumulation of modulated evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology 121(4):1300-1314.
Schall JD, Palmeri TJ, Logan GD. (2017) Models of inhibitory control. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 372(1718).
Logan GD, Palmeri TP, JD Schall (2015). Inhibitory Control in Mind and Brain: The Mathematics and Neurophysiology of the Underlying Computation. Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience: An Introduction. Edited by BU Forstmann, EJ Wagenmakers. Springer Neuroscience. Pages 303-320.
Palmeri TP, Schall JD, GD Logan (2015). Neurocognitive modeling of perceptual decision making. Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology. Edited by J.R. Busemeyer, Z.J. Wang, J.T. Townsend & A. Eidels. Oxford University Press. Pages 320-355
Logan GD, Yamaguchi M, Schall JD, Palmeri TJ (2015) Inhibitory control in mind and brain 2.0: blocked-input models of saccadic countermanding. Psychological Review. 122:115-147.
Zandbelt B, Purcell BA, Palmeri TJ, Logan GD and Schall JD (2014) Response times from ensembles of accumulators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(7):2848-53.
Purcell BA, Schall JD, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ. (2012) From salience to saccades: Multiple-alternative gated stochastic accumulator model of visual search. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(10):3433-46.
Schall JD, Purcell BA, Heitz RP, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ (2011) Neural mechanisms of saccade target selection: Gated accumulator model of the visual–motor cascade. European Journal of Neuroscience 33(11):1991-2002.
Purcell BA, Heitz RP, Cohen JY, Logan GD, Schall JD, Palmeri TJ (2010) Neurally constrained modeling of perceptual decision making. Psychological Review 117(4):1113-43.
Lo CC, Boucher L, Paré M, Schall JD, Wang XJ (2009) Proactive inhibitory control and attractor dynamics in countermanding action: A spiking neural circuit model. The Journal of Neuroscience 29(28):9059-71.
Boucher L, Palmeri TJ, Logan GD, Schall JD (2007) Inhibitory control in mind and brain: An interactive race model of countermanding saccades. Psychological Review 114(2):376-97.
Camalier CR, Gotler A, Murthy A, Thompson KG, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD (2007) Dynamics of saccade target selection: Race model analysis of double step and search step saccade production in human and macaque. Vision Research 47(16):2187-211.
Herrera B, Schall JD, Riera JJ. (2024) Agranular frontal cortical microcircuit underlying cognitive control in macaques. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 18:1389110. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2024.1389110.
Reppert TR, Heitz RP, Schall JD (2023) Neural mechanisms for executive control of speed-accuracy trade-off. Cell Reports. 42(11)-113422.
Herrera B, Sajad A, Errington SP, Schall JD, Riera JJ. (2023) Cortical origin of theta error signals. Cerebral Cortex 33(23):11300-11319.
Zhongzheng Fu, Amirsaman Sajad, Steven P. Errington, Jeffrey D. Schall & Ueli Rutishauser (2023) Neurophysiological mechanisms of error monitoring in human and non-human primates. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 24(3):153-172.
Sajad A, Errington SJ, Schall JD (2022) Functional architecture of executive control and associated event-related potentials in macaque. Nature Communications 13(1):6270.
Westerberg, JA, Maier A, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2020) Performance monitoring during visual priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 32(3):515-526
Sajad A, Godlove DC, Schall JD. (2019) Cortical microcircuitry of performance monitoring. Nature Neuroscience 22, 265–274.
Reinhart RM, Carlisle NB, Kang MS, Woodman GF(2012) Event-related potentials elicited by errors during the stop-signal task. II: Human effector-specific error responses. Journal of Neurophysiology 107(10):2794-807.
Godlove DC, Emeric EE, Segovis CM, Young MS, Schall JD, Woodman GF (2011). Event-related potentials elicited by errors during the stop-signal task. I. Macaque monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(44):15640-9.
Pouget, P., Logan, G. D., Palmeri, T. J., Boucher, L., Pare, M., & Schall, J. D. (2011). Neural basis of adaptive response time adjustment during saccade countermanding. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(35), 12604-12612.
Nelson MJ, Boucher L, Logan GD, Palmeri TJ, Schall JD (2010) Nonindependent and nonstationary response times in stopping and stepping saccade tasks. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 72(7):1913-29.
Emeric EE, Leslie MW, Pouget P, Schall JD (2010) Performance monitoring local field potentials in the medial frontal cortex of primates: Supplementary eye field Journal of Neurophysiology 104(3):1523-37.
Emeric EE, Brown JW, Boucher L, Carpenter RH, Hanes DP, Harris R, Logan GD, Mashru RN, Paré M, Pouget P, Stuphorn V, Taylor TL, and Schall JD (2007) Influence of history on saccade countermanding performance in humans and macaque monkeys. Vision Research 47(1):35-49.
Emeric EE, Brown JW, Leslie MW, Pouget P, Stuphorn V, Schall JD (2008) Performance monitoring local field potentials in the medial frontal cortex of primates: anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 99: 759-772.
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Schall JD, Stuphorn V, Brown JW (2002) Monitoring and control of action by the frontal lobes. Neuron 36(2):309-22.
Stuphorn V, Taylor TL, Schall JD (2000) Performance monitoring by the supplementary eye field. Nature 408:857-860.
Herrera B, Sajad A, Errington SP, Schall JD, Riera JJ. (2023) Cortical origin of theta error signals. Cereb Cortex. 24(3):153-172.
Gaspelin N, Lamy D, Egeth HE, Liesefeld HR, Kerzel D, Mandal A, Müller MM, Schall JD, Schubö A, Slagter HA, Stilwell BT, van Moorselaar D. (2023) The distractor positivity component and the inhibition of distracting stimuli. J Cogn Neurosci. 2023 Nov 1;35(11):1693-1715.
Herrera B, Westerberg JA, Schall MS, Maier A, Woodman GF, Schall JD, Riera JJ (2022) Resolving the mesoscopic missing link: Biophysical modeling of EEG from cortical columns in primates. NeuroImage 263:119593.
Westerberg JA, Schall MS, Maier A, Woodman GF, Schall JD. (2022) Laminar microcircuitry of visual cortex producing attention-associated electric fields. eLife. 11:e72139.
Errington SP, Woodman GF, and Schall JD (2020) Dissociation of medial frontal β-bursts and executive control. The Journal of Neuroscience 40(48):9272-9282.
Herrera B, Sajad A, Woodman GF, Schall JD, Riera JJ. (2020) A minimal biophysical model of neocortical pyramidal cells: Implications for frontal cortex microcircuitry and field potential generation. The Journal of Neuroscience 40(44):8513-8529.
Purcell BA, Schall JD, Woodman GF (2013) On the origin of event-related potentials indexing covert attentional selection during visual search: Timing of selection during pop-out search. Journal of Neurophysiology 109(2):557-69.
Reinhart RM, Heitz RP, Purcell BA, Weigand PK, Schall JD, Woodman GF. (2012) Homologous mechanisms of visuospatial working memory maintenance in macaque and human: Properties and sources The Journal of Neuroscience 32 7711-7722.
Godlove DC, Emeric EE, Segovis CM, Young MS, Schall JD, Woodman GF (2011). Event-related potentials elicited by errors during the stop-signal task. I. Macaque monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(44):15640-9.
Reinhart RM, Carlisle NB, Kang MS, Woodman GF (2012) Event-related potentials elicited by errors during the stop-signal task. II: Human effector-specific error responses. Journal of Neurophysiology 107(10):2794-807.
Godlove DC, Garr AK, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2011). Measurement of the extraocular spike potential during saccade countermanding. Journal of Neurophysiology 106(1):104-14.
Heitz RP, Cohen JY, Woodman GF, Schall JD (2010) Neural correlates of correct and errant attentional selection revealed through N2pc and frontal eye field activity. Journal of Neurophysiology 104(5):2433-41.
Cohen JY, Heitz RP, Schall JD, Woodman GF (2009) On the origin of event-related potentials indexing covert attentional selection during visual search. Journal of Neurophysiology 109(2):557-69.
Woodman GF, Kang MS, Rossi AF, Schall JD (2007) Nonhuman primate event-related potentials indexing covert shifts of attention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(38):15111-6.
Lowe K, Zinke W, Phipps A, Cosman J, Maddox M, Schall J, Caskey C. (2021) Visuomotor transformations are modulated by focused ultrasound over frontal eye field. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 47(3):679-692.
Thakkar KN, Brascamp JW, Ghermezi L, Fifer K, Schall JD, Park S. (2018) Reduced pupil dilation during action preparation in schizophrenia. International Journal of Psychophysiology 128:111-118.
Thakkar KN, Schall JD, Heckers S, Park S (2015) Disrupted saccadic corollary discharge in schizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience. 35(27):9935-9945.
Thakkar KN, Schall JD, Logan GD, Park S (2015) Cognitive control of gaze in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. 225(3):254-62.
Thakkar KN, Schall JD, Logan GD, Park S (2015) Response inhibition and response monitoring in a saccadic double-step task in schizophrenia. Brain and Cognition 95(2015)90–98.
Thakkar KN, Schall JD, Boucher L, Logan GD, Park S (2011) Response inhibition and response monitoring in a saccadic countermanding task in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 69(1):55-62.
Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, Francis X. Shen, Morris B. Hoffman, and Anthony D. Wagner (2024) Brain Science for Lawyers, Judges, and Policymakers. Oxford University Press.
Brain science in the form of neuroscientific evidence now appears frequently in courtrooms and policy discussions alike. Many legal issues are at stake, such as how to separate the best uses of brain science information from those that are potentially biasing or misleading. It is crucial to evaluate brain science evidence in light of relevant legal standards (such as the Daubert and Frye Rules). Brain Science for Lawyers, Judges, and Policymakers responds to this rapidly changing legal landscape, providing a user-friendly introduction to the fundamentals of neuroscience for lawyers, advocates, judges, legal academics, and policymakers. It features detailed but clear illustrations, as well as a comprehensive and accessible overview of developments in legally relevant neuroscience. Readers will learn brain science terms, how to understand and discuss brain structure and function in legally relevant contexts, and how to avoid over- or under-interpreting neuroscientific evidence. The book begins with a survey of the kinds of litigation, legislation, and regulation where neuroscience is currently being used. It provides accessible descriptions of basic brain anatomy and brain function as well as an overview of how modern technologies can reveal the brain structures and brain functions of individuals. It finishes with cautions and limitations, including timely and thought-provoking observations about where the future of neurolaw might lead. Throughout, the authors offer clear and concise guidance on understanding both the promise and the limitations of using brain science in law and policymaking.
Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, Francis X. Shen (2021) LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE, 2nd edition. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Jones, Owen D. and Schall, Jeffrey D. and Shen, Francis X., (2020) LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE, 2nd Edition, ISBN 978-1-5438-0109-5, Vanderbilt Law Research Paper No. 20-56.
Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, Francis X. Shen (2015) LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE: A Teachers Manual. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
Owen D. Jones, Jeffrey D. Schall, Francis X. Shen (2014) LAW AND NEUROSCIENCE. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. June 16, 2014.
Schall JD and Garr AK (2014) Performance monitoring reconciles intentional reasons with neural causes. Cognitive Neuroscience Aug 26:1-2.
Jones OD, Buckholtz JW, Schall JD, Marois R (2009) Brain imaging for legal thinkers: A guide for the perplexed. Stanford Technology Law Review, Vol. 5.
Ramezanpour H, Kehoe DH, Schall JD, Fallah M. (2024) Dynamics of saccade trajectory modulation by distractors: Neural activity patterns in the frontal eye field. Journal of Neuroscience. 44(46):e0635242024.
Lowe KA, Zinke W, Cosman JD, Schall JD. (2022) Frontal eye fields in macaque monkeys: prefrontal and premotor contributions to visually guided saccades. Cerebral Cortex. 32(22):5083-5107.
Lowe K, Zinke W, Phipps A, Cosman J, Maddox M, Schall J, Caskey C. (2021) Visuomotor transformations are modulated by focused ultrasound over frontal eye field. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 47(3):679-692.
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