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Representative Publications

Boyette JL, Bell RC, Fujita MK, Thomas KN, Streicher JW, Gower DJ, Schott RK. 2024. Diversity and Molecular Evolution of Nonvisual Opsin Genes across Environmental, Developmental, and Morphological Adaptations in Frogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41 (6).

Schott RK, Fujita MK, Streicher JW, Gower DJ, Thomas KN, Loew ER, Bamba Kaya AG, Bittencourt-Silva GB, Becker CG et al. 2024. Diversity and Evolution of Frog Visual Opsins: Spectral Tuning and Adaptation to Distinct Light Environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41 (4).

Schott RK, RC Bell, ER Loew, KN Thomas, DJ Gower, JW Streicher, MK Fujita. 2022. Transcriptomic evidence for visual adaptation during the aquatic to terrestrial metamorphosis in leopard frogs. BMC Biology (in press).

Thomas KN, DJ Gower, J W Streicher, RC Bell, MK Fujita, RK Schott, HC Liedtke, CFB Haddad, CG Becker, CL Cox, RA Martins, RH Douglas. 2022. Ecology drives patterns of spectral transmission in the ocular lenses of frogs and salamanders. Functional Ecology 36: 850–864.

Schott RK, L Perez, MA Kwiatkowski, V Imhoff, JM Gumm. 2022. Evolutionary analyses of visual opsin genes in frogs and toads: diversity, duplication, and positive selection. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8595.

Shrimpton SJ*, JW Streicher*, DJ Gower, RC Bell, MK Fujita, RK Schott, KN Thomas. 2021. Eye-body allometry across biphasic ontogeny in anuran amphibians. Evolutionary Ecology 35: 337–359.

Hauser FE, KL Ilves, RK Schott, Alvi E, H López-Fernández, BSW Chang. 2021. Evolution, inactivation, and loss of short wavelength-sensitive opsin genes during the diversification of Neotropical cichlids. Molecular Ecology 30: 1688–1703.

Schott RK, RC Bell, ER Loew, KN Thomas, DJ Gower, JW Streicher, MK Fujita. Preprint. Genomic and spectral visual adaptation in southern leopard frogs during the ontogenetic transition from aquatic to terrestrial light environments. bioRxiv 2021.02.19.432049; doi:

Thomas KN, DJ Gower, RC Bell, MK Fujita, RK Schott, JW Streicher. 2020. Eye size and investment in frogs and toads correlate with adult habitat, activity pattern and breeding ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201393.

Gemmel NJ, ... RK Schott, ... Ngatiwai Trust Board [60 authors total]. 2020. The tuatara genome reveals ancient features of amniote evolution. Nature 584: 403–409.

Schott RK, N Bhattacharyya, BSW Chang. 2019. Evolutionary signatures of photoreceptor transmutation in geckos reveal potential adaptation and convergence with snakes. Evolution 73: 1958–1971.

Schott RK, A Van Nynatten, DC Card, TA Castoe, BSW Chang. 2018. Shifts in selective pressures on snake phototransduction genes associated with photoreceptor transmutation and dim-light ancestry. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35: 1376–1389.

Schott RK, B Panesar, DC Card, M Preston, TA Castoe, BSW Chang. 2017. Targeted capture of complete coding regions across divergent species. Genome Biology and Evolution 9: 398–414.

Schott RK, J Müller, CGY Yang, N Bhattacharyya, N Chan, M Xu, JM Morrow, A-H Ghenu, ER Loew, V Tropepe, BSW Chang. 2016. Evolutionary transformation of rod photoreceptors in the all-cone retina of a diurnal garter snake. PNAS 113: 356–361.

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Curriculum Vitae