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Annual Review

2023 York Science Highlights

2023 York Science Highlights

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals The Faculty of Science rises to the York University-wide challenge to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as outlined in the University Academic Plan 2020-2025. Below are highlights of initiatives and projects taking place in the Faculty that tackle key societal challenges aligned with the UN […]

2023 Research Spotlights

2023 Research Spotlights

Scientists solve longstanding antimatter mystery As Newton observed, an apple falls from the tree and hits the ground. But what would an antimatter apple do? That was the question an international collaboration with Professor Emeritus Scott Menary, Department of Physics & Astronomy, set out to answer. Ultimately, the team was testing Einstein’s General Theory of […]

2023 Annual Review

2023 Annual Review

JUMP TO: York Science Highlights Honours & Awards Research Funding Research Spotlights Teaching & Learning Students Community & Alumni A Message from Dean Rui Wang I feel intensely proud to look back on 2023 and reflect on what we achieved together as a Faculty. There were many special moments and accomplishments for us. We continued […]

Faculty of Science Annual Review 2022

Faculty of Science Annual Review 2022

We are proud to share with you the Faculty of Science 2022 Annual Review, “Our Community, Our Impact”. This publication is a collection of our Faculty's highlights and accomplishments from 2022, showcasing how we are striving to make York Science a great place to study, to research, and to be proud community members. In this […]

2022 York Science Highlights

2022 York Science Highlights

Supporting and reconnecting our people Created in consultation with our members, we launched our Community 2022 initiative to help faculty, staff and students reconnect in person and to support the return to a more robust on-campus presence. “We conducted a survey of our community and many expressed a sense of disconnection stemming from the COVID-19 […]

2022 Annual Review

2022 Annual Review

JUMP TO: By the Numbers York Science Highlights Honours & Awards Research Funding Research Spotlights Teaching & Learning Students Community & Alumni A MESSAGE FROM DEAN RUI WANG As I reflect on the past year, I am grateful to our instructors, researchers and staff who work very hard to serve our students and make a […]

2021 York Science Highlights

2021 York Science Highlights

Community Input Shapes New Strategic Plan We launched our new 2021-2025 Strategic Plan after extensive consultation with our community of faculty members, staff and students, as well as with internal and external advisory boards. The Dean’s Office hosted discussions with stakeholders through several meetings, including a virtual Town Hall and virtual retreats, and solicited feedback […]

2021 Research Spotlights

2021 Research Spotlights

Using Mathematics to Tackle the Pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematical modelling has been an essential tool for researchers and policy advisors to simulate and predict spread and illness by the virus and the impact of various public health strategies and interventions. Our researchers in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics have been leaders in […]

2021 Annual Review

2021 Annual Review

"This Annual Review demonstrates our commitment to our students, and our vision to foster discovery, engage community and inspire a better future for us all. I hope you enjoy reading it. On behalf of the Faculty of Science at York University, thank you for your friendship and support as we push the boundaries of discovery, […]

Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews

2023 Annual Review "Empowering Futures" highlights our Faculty's collective accomplishments from 2023, including achievements in teaching and learning, research and innovation, and community engagement and outreach. READ THE REPORT Previous issues 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 50th Anniversary Report 2014 2013