Exam Preparation
Multiple choice, short answer, calculations, or essay style - so many types of exams to prepare for! Even though no one loves them, tests and exams are an important part of learning. They help you connect all the pieces of a course into a meaningful whole and provide valuable feedback on your learning. Don't worry! We have lots of resources to help you get ready.
Types of Exams
Multiple choice, short answer, calculations, or essay style - whatever the format, we can help!
How should I study for an online exam?
How to prepare for online exams and strategies for open book and timed multiple choice exams.
In-Person Exam Etiquette
What kind of testing will there be at university? Learn how to prepare for and adjust to transitioning back to in-person exams.
Managing Exam Stress
Tests and exams can come with lots of emotions. Everyone gets nervous before a big exam, but test anxiety impacts some students more than others. Explore our resources for approaching exams more calmly and confidently.