In order to ensure recognized student organization events involving alcohol are conducted in a safe and responsible manner, the following procedures have been developed.
All campus events must adhere to York University’s policy on Temporary Use of Space.
1. Student levy funds are not permitted to be used toward the purchase or subsidy of alcohol with the exception of those organizations that operate licensed venues and who are using said levy funds for the purpose of maintaining their establishment’s daily operations. At the time of writing the following three student organizations operate licensed venues: Wintab Students Union, Legal and Literary Society of Osgoode Hall and York University Student Centre Corporation.
2. Only student government organizations can hold on-campus pub nights outside of an on-campus licensed establishments.
3. Recognized student organization-sponsored events that include alcohol must use a 3rd party vendor cash bar. Open bars are not permitted.
4. In instances where drink tickets are included in the price of admission to an event, tickets must be limited to 2 per person and are not transferable. Students 19 and over may have the choice between tickets for alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages. Students under 19 must be provided non-alcoholic drink tickets (eg. for mocktails, pop, water, juice, coffee, tea).
5. In instances where alcohol is being served at an event run by a registered student organization, a minimum of two student organization executive/council members must remain sober and be identifiable to students in the event a participant requires care and support. If the attendance of the event exceeds 100 participants, there must be a ratio of 1 sober designate for every additional 50 participants.
6. Information on transportation home after an event to be communicated widely to event participants both prior to and during an event (ie information on goSAFE; shuttle times; TTC closures etc.)
7. In instances when a venue provides an incentive to a registered student organization to book an event, student organizations are not permitted to accept gifts of alcohol (eg. bottle or booth service, complimentary drinks, differentiated pricing),
8. Alcohol is not permitted at any orientation programming for undergraduate students.