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Student Organizations

Recognized student organizations are student clubs and governments that enrich the diversity and quality of life of all students through activities, services, advocacy and representation. Student organization have access to resources like booking space, tabling, funding, mentorship, and support. There are 2 types of Student Organizations:

Student Club

A Student Club is voluntary, membership-driven organization that is dedicated to a particular interest or activity.

Student Government

A Student Government is concerned with a broad array of activities, including representation of the interests of those students in discussions with the academic and administrative authorities of the University, a Faculty, or a College.

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Recognized College Student Governments

  • Bethune College Council
  • Calumet College Council
  • Founders College Student Council
  • Glendon College Student Union
  • McLaughlin College Council
  • New College Council
  • Stong College Student Government
  • Vanier College Council
  • Winters College Council


Recognized Faculty Student Governments

  • Creative Arts Students Association
  • Environmental and Urban Change Students’ Association
  • Faculty of Education Students' Association
  • Faculty of Health Student Caucus
  • Graduate Business Council
  • Lassonde Student Government
  • Legal and Literary Society of Osgoode Hall Law School
  • Student Council of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
  • Undergraduate Business Society


Visit YU Connect to explore all existing Recognized Student Clubs.

Request space for an event

Book a tabling space

Book a prayer space

Request an office space

If you are renewing your organization, a link will appear below it.  Click on the button and complete the application process.

What is a Primary Contact?

A Primary Contact is the representative of the organization who takes overall responsibility for its operations (i.e. President/Chair).  This individual will register the organization, assign executive positions, and provide various levels of access to the YU Connect page for the members.  They are the only ones permitted to complete the Club registration process.

Why is there already information about my organization on YU Connect?

To make the transition easier for student organizations, we have pre-populated YU Connect to have the following information already entered for clubs:

  • Organization Objective(s)
  • Current Constitution
  • Executive Position List
  • External Website Link (if available)
Need additional support?

You can also contact us at


Regulation Regarding Student Organizations

The regulation regarding student organizations sets forth the privileges and obligations of student organizations to ensure that their activities and their financing are conducted in an open, accessible, democratic, non-discriminatory, legally and financially responsible manner.

Learn more about the Regulation

Club Policies & Guidelines

At such a large institution we need a number of policies and procedures to keep everything running smoothly. Here you will find a list of policies and guidelines that are most relevant to student organizations.

View club policies & guidelines

Looking to develop skills & strategies to strengthen your organization?

Let us help you foster the success of your organization. Check out our click-through presentations on Mission, Vision & Goal Setting, Team Building, Conflict Resolution, Social Media and Transitioning.

Develop skills & strategies now

Looking to access funding for your organization? Below are helpful funding resources that may apply to your organization!

SEED Funding

As a recognized student organization, you are able to apply for SEED Funding.

SEED Funding is awarded for events/initiatives that benefit the student community at York University and enrich student life. This funding is for Keele organizations only. The fund allocates up to $300 per term based on an application. To find out more and apply for funding, you will need to be logged into YU Connect and go to this form.

Glendon clubs may apply for additional funding through the Office of Student Services at Glendon or by emailing the Glendon College Students Union.

YFS Funding

York Federation of Students (YFS) is York University's central students' union. To access YFS funding, an organization must ratified with YFS. YFS ratified clubs are eligible to apply for up to $200 in Base Funding, up to $800 in Event Funding and up to $800 in Relief Funding.

For more information, visit York Federation of Students.

SCLD Club Awards

In our efforts to recognize student leaders who continue to contribute to the York community SCLD is conducting our first annual Club Awards! If you know a club that is deserving of one of the awards listed below make sure to fill out an application!

New Club Award

  • To be considered for this award it must be your first or second year as a registered student club with SCLD.
  • This will be awarded to a club that is able to show how they have positively impacted the York community with their events/initiatives throughout the year.

Philanthropy Award

  • To be considered for this award it must be registered student club with SCLD.
  • This will be awarded to a club that is able to show how they have positively impacted the York and greater community with compassion, generosity and charity.

Innovation Award

  • This will be awarded to clubs that facilitated an event that was innovative and creative for the York University community.
  • Clubs that have demonstrated initiatives that offer different experiences to the community
  • Examples include: Car Smashes, Human Libraries, Barbershops, etc.

Clubs that qualify may submit an application for more than one award.

Successful applicants will be awarded $300, a certificate from SCLD, promotion on the Keele campus televisions, and a photoshoot conducted by SCLD!

College Council Funding

If your student organization is affiliated with a York college, additional funding may be available. For more information, please contact the college your student organization is affiliated with.

Alumni Engagement Funding

Alumni Engagement Funding may be available if eligible. For more information, visit the Office of Alumni Engagement.

Membership Fees

Student clubs & organizations may charge a membership fee for incoming members.

Looking to access funding for your organization? Below are helpful funding resources that may apply to your organization!

SEED Funding

As a recognized student organization, you are able to apply for SEED Funding.

SEED Funding is awarded for events/initiatives that benefit the student community at York University and enrich student life. This funding is for Keele organizations only. The fund allocates up to $300 per term based on an application. To find out more and apply for funding, you will need to be logged into YU Connect and go to this form.

Glendon clubs may apply for additional funding through the Office of Student Services at Glendon or by emailing the Glendon College Students Union.

YFS Funding

York Federation of Students (YFS) is York University's central students' union. To access YFS funding, an organization must ratified with YFS. YFS ratified clubs are eligible to apply for up to $200 in Base Funding, up to $800 in Event Funding and up to $800 in Relief Funding.

For more information, visit York Federation of Students.

SCLD Club Awards

In our efforts to recognize student leaders who continue to contribute to the York community SCLD is conducting our first annual Club Awards! If you know a club that is deserving of one of the awards listed below make sure to fill out an application!

New Club Award

  • To be considered for this award it must be your first or second year as a registered student club with SCLD.
  • This will be awarded to a club that is able to show how they have positively impacted the York community with their events/initiatives throughout the year.

Philanthropy Award

  • To be considered for this award it must be registered student club with SCLD.
  • This will be awarded to a club that is able to show how they have positively impacted the York and greater community with compassion, generosity and charity.

Innovation Award

  • This will be awarded to clubs that facilitated an event that was innovative and creative for the York University community.
  • Clubs that have demonstrated initiatives that offer different experiences to the community
  • Examples include: Car Smashes, Human Libraries, Barbershops, etc.

Clubs that qualify may submit an application for more than one award.

Successful applicants will be awarded $300, a certificate from SCLD, promotion on the Keele campus televisions, and a photoshoot conducted by SCLD!

College Council Funding

If your student organization is affiliated with a York college, additional funding may be available. For more information, please contact the college your student organization is affiliated with.

Alumni Engagement Funding

Alumni Engagement Funding may be available if eligible. For more information, visit the Office of Alumni Engagement.

Membership Fees

Student clubs & organizations may charge a membership fee for incoming members.

Additional Resources

Other funding resources include Club Council Funding and Sponsorships. Connect with the Student Engagement team at for more information.