Referenda at York University
A referendum is a democratic process that allows members of a community to participate in decision-making on important issues such as changes to laws, constitutions, fee or other matters that affect the community.
Participating and voting is your opportunity to express your opinions, influence the direction of the York community and ensure that decisions are made with your input.
Stay informed and engaged by exploring the resources available on this website. Your voice matters, and together we can shape the future of our university community through active participation in referendums.
Active Referendums
Juris Doctor Students at the Osgoode Hall Law School
The Legal and Literary Society (“L&L”) of Osgoode Hall Law School, a recognized student government at York University, is requesting assistance to help provide funding to support the needs of their growing community. These funds will support a variety of programs and initiatives offered by L&L (e.g. Club resources, year-end galas, the Period Project, etc.).
Currently, the Legal & Lit Society ("L&L") receives a student levy of $39.15 per semester; adjusted annually to increase or decrease in accordance with the Toronto Consumer Price Index.
Do you, as a Juris Doctor student at the Osgoode Hall Law School, agree to increase the levy (per semester) for all Juris Doctor students at the Osgoode Hall Law School by $20.00; adjusted annually to increase or decrease in accordance with the Toronto Consumer Price Index to support, sustain, and expand the services, activities, and resources offered by the Legal & Literary Society?
Voting Period:
March 10th - March 15th
York University Markham Campus Undergraduate Students
The Markham Student Council (“MSC”) is a recognized student organization at York University dedicated to act as a unified voice for the student body, advocating for their diverse needs and aspirations while celebrating the unique contributions of every individual. By hosting impactful events, creating volunteer opportunities, and supporting clubs and social activities, the MSC aims to represent and meet the needs of our students to the best of our ability. By honouring the spirit of collaboration and championing student leadership, the MSC endeavours to create lasting impacts that shape the future of our campus and its students for generations to come.
The Markham Student Council (“MSC”) is requesting support in funding its variety of initiatives, services, and programming, including but not limited to; on-campus and off-campus social events, club resources, honorariums (For the MSC Board), campus life improvement, volunteering, and development opportunities.
Do you, as a Markham Campus student at York University, agree to implement a levy for all students at the Markham Campus Students at York University of $3.00 per credit; adjusted annually to increase or decrease in accordance with the Toronto Consumer Price Index to support, sustain, and services, activities, and resources offered by the Markham Student Council?
Voting Period:
March 10th - March 15th
If your student organization is considering a referendum, please follow the steps outlined below. Note that the process outlined applies to referendums for next academic year (2025-2026).
Craft a statement for your organization detailing the purpose and goals of the referendum. Be sure to address:
- Purpose and Intent: Why is the referendum necessary?
- Objectives: What does your organization hope to achieve through this process?
It’s essential to inform the Vice Provost of Students about your intent to hold a referendum. When doing so, include:
- Proof of Eligibility: Documentation confirming that your organization has been active for a minimum of two years.
- Statement of Intent: A rationale for holding the referendum (refer to Step 1).
Timeline: Prior to Fall Reading Week
To set up the petition process effectively, schedule a meeting with the Vice Provost of Students or Student Community and Leadership Development (SCLD). They can guide you on the requirements and best practices that will strengthen your petitioning efforts.
To show substantial support for your referendum, collect petition signatures from at least 10% of your constituency or student body. This will demonstrate the importance and widespread backing of your cause. Each signature should include:
Information to Collect:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Student Number*
- Phone Number
- Signature
Approved Methods:
- YU Connect
- Paper Signatures
Timeline: November 1st
Submit the completed petition through YU Connect to Student Community and Leadership Development (SCLD). If planning for a referendum in March, be sure to submit your petition package by mid-November.
Your submitted petition package will be reviewed and your organization will be notified of the decision by early December.
If approved, your organization must meet with the CRO in January. This meeting will cover policies and guidelines for education, campaigning, and other logistical requirements for the referendum.
The campaigning period is set for late February until the voting period begins, allowing time to communicate your referendum’s purpose and engage the student body.
Voting typically takes place within the first or second week of March, providing students the opportunity to vote on the referendum.
Following the vote, results and supporting reports are submitted to the Board of Governors for final approval. If the Board approves, any applicable fees will be applied accordingly.
- Online voting for students provides the opportunity to have their voices heard from the comfort of their own devices.
- Through a secure online platform - YU VOTE, students can access the referendum ballot and cast their votes conveniently by logging in with your passport york account.
- Once the voting period concludes, results are tabulated and communicated transparently, reflecting the collective will of the student body.
- To learn more about the platform and process please visit YU Vote - Guidelines
If you believe there have been violations during a referendum campaign, you can submit a complaint for review. Violations may include:
- Displaying campaign materials in prohibited areas
- Spreading false or misleading information
- Coercing or intimidating voters
- Offering incentives for votes, or
- Falsely claiming endorsements without permission.
Please note:
- Complaints are not confidential, but efforts to protect the identity of the complainant will be undertaken
- Please prepare any documentation to be submitted including photos, documents and statements
- The complaint intake form will only be made available during the duration of the referendum and voting period.
We ensure fair and transparent handling of complaints, investigating each case thoroughly to uphold the integrity of the referendum process.
Together, we strive to maintain a respectful and equitable environment for all students during the referendum period. Your participation in upholding the standards of conduct ensures the integrity of our democratic processes. Thank you for your commitment to fairness and accountability.
For more information please contact our CRO at ero@yorku.ca