The Special Sub-Committee shall be responsible for giving effect to the commitments set out in a memorandum from the Co-Chairs of the Facilitating Group to the Chairs of the Environmental Studies and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Faculty Councils dated May 1, 2019. In this advisory capacity it shall:
- Undertake consultations with a view toward informing the work of curriculum designers, especially those on the curriculum working group established by Environmental Studies and Geography
- Identify and facilitate the engagement of potential partners in other units and programs of the University
- Identify concerns raised in the course of consultations
- Provide the FES/Geography curriculum working group(s) and others with timely summaries of discussions as consultations occur
- Provide timely and constructive advice on draft program briefs and other aspects of curriculum innovation that will be highlighted in the establishment proposal brought to governing bodies in the autumn of 2019, and that will thereafter be the subject of refinement, review and approval
- Make recommendations and report through the Chair to the Facilitating Group
The Special Sub-Committee shall meet not less than bi-weekly. It may also meet more frequently as required to fulfill its mandate and conduct business by e-mail as provided for in Senate rules.
- Lisa Farley (Academic Policy, Planning and Research)
- Lyse Hebert (Academic Policy, Planning and Research)
- Sirvan Kirimi (Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy)
- Carolyn Steele (Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy)
- Lyndon Martin (Vice-Provost Academic)
- Cheryl Underhill (Co-Secretary)
- Kathryn White (Co-Secretary)