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About Us

The University Secretariat administers the governance of the University by supporting the Board of Governors and Senate and their committees. Secretariat staff organize and attend meetings of the Senate, Board and their committees, provide analytical and research support to these bodies, record their proceedings, and communicate their decisions. The Secretary and Assistant Secretaries also provide advice to the community on Senate and Board policies and governance issues.

TBA, Secretary of the University,

Cheryl Underhill, Senior Assistant Secretary of the University,

Leikha Bisera, Assistant Secretary of the University,

Elaine MacRae, Goverance Coordinator,

Sarah Millington Lockwood, Administrative Officer, smilling@yorku.a

Pamela Persaud, Assistant Secretary of the University,

James Pratt, Assistant Secretary of the University,

Michael Pogorzelski, Senior Policy Advisor,

Michelle Roseman, Administrative Assistant,