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Land and Property Committee

Membership 2024-2025

  • Doug Bergeron, Chair
  • Sheraz Arshad
  • Michael Giudice
  • Ruth Green
  • Harshit Jaiswal
  • Rhonda Lenton, President
  • Carole Malo
  • Ingrid Minott
  • Paul Tsaparis, Chair of the Board
  • tba, Secretary
  • Leikha Bisera, Assistant Secretary

Terms of Reference

The Land and Property Committee shall oversee the planning, development and management of the University’s real property and physical facilities, and policies relating thereto.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing it shall review and make recommendations on the following:

  1. Acquisition, sale or leasing of, and the designation of use of the University’s real property recommended by the President, or the York University Development Corporation jointly with the President.
  2. Establishment and periodic review of the guiding principles, strategies and priorities of the Master Plan and Secondary Plan for the University’s campuses to ensure alignment of campus facilities and infrastructure with the University’s academic needs and municipal requirements.
  3. Identification and management of risks associated with real property, including matters of safety in the context of campus buildings and infrastructure.
  4. Strategic long-range plans for the development of the University’s non-core assets in alignment with the academic and institutional goals of the University.
  5. Standards and plans for campus facilities and infrastructure renewal and maintenance.
  6. Progress of University capital projects.

Approved by the Board of Governors December 4, 2007
Revised and approved by the Board of Governors, June 28, 2016