York University's 14th Chancellor
An esteemed York alumna, Ms. Taylor holds a Juris Doctor from Osgoode Hall Law School and a Master of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business. Unafraid of breaking downs barriers, Taylor shares York’s vision to “right the future.”

Role of the Chancellor: To be the titular head of the University and to confer all degrees.

Appointment of the Chancellor
Applicable Policy: York Act
The appointment of a Chancellor is addressed in the York Act. Section 14 provides for the appointment of the Chancellor “by the Board, after consultation with the Senate” and that the Chancellor “shall hold office for three years or until his successor is appointed”. The powers of the Board in Section 10(a) of the Act clearly include the appointment of the Chancellor. Consistent with Section 14, Section 12(a) states that the Senate has power “to consult with the Board and to make recommendations as to the appointment of the Chancellor and the President”.
The system of governance established by the York University Act is bicameral, with two governing bodies: the Board of Governors and the Senate. The power to act on the University’s behalf is divided among the Chancellor, the Board, the Senate and the President (who is also the Vice-Chancellor). But for the powers specifically given to Senate over academic policy, and to the President over student conduct and other matters, the “government, conduct, management and control of the University and of its property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs is vested in the Board” by the York Act.
The Chancellor is the titular head of the University and has the power to confer all degrees. Notwithstanding the independent powers given to the Chancellor, Board, Senate and President, the York University Act provides for interdependence by requiring consultation and approval among the governing bodies, the Chancellor and the President in a number of areas. Enclosed is a chart outlining the powers of the constituent elements under the Act.
Criteria for the Selection of the Chancellor of the University
“The Chancellor of York University should be a highly esteemed individual who is regarded as a visionary leader able to command the respect of the University community and to build bridges with the Community at large. They should appreciate and embody the core values of the University as set out in York's Mission Statement. The Chancellor embraces York’s accomplishments and aspirations and carries out the duties of office in a way that enhances the University's and students’ welfare. With a passion for higher education, they should have the capacity to convey York’s values to the public and to government and to remind the University of the evolving needs and expectations of society. The Chancellor should have the time to confer the University's degrees at Convocation, to play an active role in the University and to participate in its on-going life. They should not have been Chancellor of another University nor be in a conflict or apparent conflict of commitment between a duty to York and to another University.”
Selection Process and Selection Committee Composition
The search process and criteria have been established by the Executive Committees of Board and Senate.
In the spring of 2020 a review of the composition of the selection committee by both Executive Committees concluded that a smaller complement of Senate and Board Executive members would improve the ability to convene timely meetings. It was therefore agreed that the search committee be composed of:
- 3 members of Senate Executive (one of whom is the Chair of Senate)
- 3 members of Board Executive (one of whom is the Chair of the Board who shall Chair the Committee)
- 1 alumni member nominated by the Alumni Association
- 1 student member nominated by the Student Senator Caucus
- President
- University Secretary as Secretary