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Smudging and Pipe Ceremony Procedures

Procedures adopted pursuant to Smudging and Pipe Ceremony Policy. 1. Indoor Individual or Small Group (2-4) Smudging or Pipe Ceremony (for those familiar with smudging) 1.1. Being a Good Neighbour a. Being a good neighbour means letting the people around you know that you practice smudging on a regular/semi-regular basis. They may notice the aroma, […]

Recognition - Physical Naming, Procedure

1. Purpose These Procedures are implemented pursuant to the Recognition – Physical Naming Policy (the “Policy”). The below outlines the procedures for Naming, including approval, re-Naming, revocation and retirement pursuant to the Policy. Procedures for renewal or extension of Naming are also set out below. 2. Definitions All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in these […]

Academic Conduct Policy and Procedures

1. Preamble Academic integrity is fundamental to a university’s intellectual life. The mission of York University is the pursuit, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. Central to this mission, is the relationship between teaching and learning. Honesty, fairness, and mutual respect must form the basis of this relationship in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge in […]

SOP: HPRC Ethics Review Process and Procedures

Purpose:   This SOP outlines the HPRC ethics review process and procedures Responsibility: Director, ORE; Manager, Advisor, Coordinator, ORE; members of Human Participants Review Committee (HPRC) 1. Scope of Research Ethics Review: 1.1. All University-based research involving human participants, whether funded or non-funded, faculty or student, scholarly, commercial, or consultative, is subject to the ethics review […]

Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Procedure, Plans, or Public Safety Information are available in accessible format upon request. 1. Purpose This Emergency Response Plan aims to keep the University community safe.  In alignment with University’s Community Safety Strategic Plan, the Emergency Response Plan (the Plan) establishes the framework for responding to emergency related risks that the University may face […]

Weather Emergency Procedure

1. Purpose This Procedure aims to promote the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, protect property, and help ensure the continuance of critical University operations during emergency scenarios. The procedure seeks to establish a comprehensive and effective approach to response and reduction of impact from an emergency. It is intended to increase the emergency […]

Indigenous Research Involving Human Participants, Procedures

Procedures Governing the Indigenous Research Ethics Board 1.1 Research Ethics Board and Governance Framework An appropriate and compliant governance structure is a fundamental element of any effective ethics review policy and process. The governance structure ensures that the relevant Research Ethics Board (REB) operates with a clear mandate, authority and accountability, within clearly defined responsibilities […]

Indigenous Research Involving Human Participants

1. Purpose 1.1. It is the policy of York University to ensure the ethical conduct of research involving human participants and to comply in full with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Research Involving Human Participants (2022) as it may be amended from time to time. The University has two separate and distinct policies that govern […]

Utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (Directive)

la version anglaise 1. Introduction et objectif 1.1 Sous réserve des dispositions du Règlement sur l’utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (le « Règlement TUUS »), l’Université York rendra, à sa discrétion, l’utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires accessible aux membres de la communauté universitaire lorsque celle-ci est conforme aux principes reflétés dans l’objectif, la mission et […]

Procédure de travail hybride

la version englaise 1. Objectif L’engagement de l’Université York à soutenir un environnement d’apprentissage et de travail dynamique sur le campus guide les décisions relatives à l’aménagement de travail hybride (ATH). Cette procédure définit le processus d’application de la Politique sur le travail hybride(« Politique »), y compris la délimitation des responsabilités, l’établissement du type de travail […]