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Règlement concernant les organisations étudiantes

la version anglaise Description: Règlement concernant les organisations étudiantes, leurs activités et leurs finances 1. Préambule 1.1 Les objectifs de l’Université York, en vertu de la loi intitulée York University Act, 1965, sont de favoriser le développement des connaissances et la diffusion du savoir, d’assurer l’épanouissement intellectuel, spirituel, moral, physique et social de ses membres […]

Utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (Politique)

la version anglaise 1. PRÉAMBULE 1.1 Sous réserve des dispositions du présent règlement, l’Université York rendra, à sa discrétion, l’utilisation temporaire des locaux de l’Université accessible aux membres de la communauté universitaire lorsqu’elle est conforme aux principes reflétés dans l’objet, la mission et les valeurs de l’Université. 1.2 Comme indiqué dans le Code des droits […]

Regulation Regarding Student Organizations

French version Description: Regulations regarding Student Organizations, their Activities and Finances. 1. Preamble 1.1      The objects and purposes of York University under the York University Act, 1965, are the advancement of learning, the dissemination of knowledge, the intellectual, spiritual, social, moral and physical development of its members, and the betterment of society. York University believes that […]

Temporary Use of University Space (Regulation)

French version Preamble Subject to the terms of this Regulation, York University will, in its discretion, make temporary use of University space accessible to members of the University community where the use of space is consistent with the principles reflected in the University’s purpose, mission, and values. As set out in the Code of Student […]

Food Trucks on York University Campuses (Regulations)

These Regulations apply to all members of York University and eligible external users who wish to utilize the services of a Food Truck for any event on University premises.  For the purpose of these Regulations, “Food Truck” is defined as any mobile self-contained food vendor that does not require connections to University services (e.g. electricity, […]

Progression Requirements to Maintain Honours Standing

Students whose cumulative grade point average (CGPA) falls below 5.0 during the course of their studies, may proceed in an Honours program, on warning, provided that they meet the minimum CGPA requirements as set out below: Year Level Credit Range CGPA Requirements Year 1 0 to 23 4.00 Year 2 24 to 53 4.25 Year […]

Integrated Courses, Faculty of Graduate Studies (Policy)

The practice of integrating third or fourth year undergraduate courses with graduate courses has become more common in recent years. Although not all graduate programs offer such courses, a great many do, or would like to. In view of this, Senate has requested that the Faculty of Graduate Studies formulate a policy to regulate the […]

Minimum Grade Requirement - Major Courses

Unless Senate agrees to explicit exemptions, eligibility to proceed in or graduate from an undergraduate degree program will not be based on a minimum grade requirement for each major course. (It should be noted that this does not preclude setting requirements for a minimum cumulative grade point average in a major or minor subject area. Nor does […]

York University Traffic and Parking Regulations

Description: Regulations established to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of University business and to provide parking services in support of this function within the limits of available designated parking space. I.     APPLICABILITY All persons using University parking facilities are subject to the parameters set out in the applicable University Policies and Procedures, […]

Undergraduate Certificate Guidelines and Procedures

I. Undergraduate Certificates Definition: "Undergraduate Certificate" is the term applied to a program of studies attesting to a level of competence or skills in a particular area or field. It is distinct from a defined undergraduate degree program, stream, specialization or informal concentration. A certificate recognizes a specific grouping of courses that i) are cross-disciplinary but […]