Advanced Standing and Correspondence Courses

Legislative History:

Approved by SCARSA; Approved by Senate: 1982/12/16; Date Effective: 1982/12/16; minor edits June 2012

Approval Authority: Senate

Signature: Malcolm Ransom


Senate recognizes as eligible for advanced standing and transfer credit any course which originates with and is offered by an institution deemed acceptable by Senate and which is credited towards a degree at that institution. This principle applies in assessing any application for advanced standing or transfer credit, with the qualification that the overriding effect of other regulations, such as residency requirements and programme requirements, may limit the extent to which the application is successful.


While the initial impetus for accepting correspondence courses for credit grew out of the recognition that the quality of such courses had improved and out of the acknowledgement that correspondence courses were often indistinguishable from "other" courses on transcripts, the Committee was guided in its final decision by the view that, provided courses are offered by a recognized institution, and provided these courses are accepted by that institution for credit towards its degree, they would be deemed acceptable to York.