Legislative History:
Approved by Senate Executive; Approved by Senate: 1993/06/24; Date Effective: 1993/06/24; Amended by Senate Executive 2007/12/05; Approved by Senate: 2007/12/13.
Approval Authority: Senate
Signature: Harriet Lewis, Malcolm Ransom
1. Setting of Class and Examination Schedules
Class and examination schedules are set by the Registrar in accordance with the Senate Policy on Sessional Dates and in consultation with the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards.
2. Cancellation or Postponement of Classes and Examinations
Classes and examinations are not held on public holidays or at other times as directed by the University Senate, administration, or Board of Governors. Cancellation or postponement at other times shall only be effected by
i. the Executive Committee of Senate; or
ii. the Dean/ Principal of the Faculty concerned, with the agreement of the Chair of Senate (or designate); or
iii. the Chair of Senate (in emergencies, see below).
Except in emergency or exceptional situations as set out below, and subject to Presidential Order or this policy, any cancellation of classes or limitation of academic activity for all or part of a day in any or all Faculties must be approved by Senate prior to the commencement of the term in which the cancellation is required, in order to allow as much time as possible for any necessary adjustments.
3. Cancellations or Postponements Resulting from Weather or Other Emergencies
It is the responsibility of the Vice-President Finance and Administration to declare a weather or other emergency and suspend normal operating procedures after appropriate consultations. The Vice-President, Finance and Administration shall consult the Chair of Senate if the emergency requires the cancellation or postponement of academic activities. The Chair of Senate shall communicate decisions to cancel or postpone academic activities to the Executive Committee.
4. Principles of Remediation
Senate or Senate Executive may authorize remedies in the event of a cancellation or postponement resulting in a short disruption of academic activities. Remedies shall be governed by the principles of academic integrity, fairness to students, and timely information, and shall be subject to consultation with the Vice-President Academic. (See also, Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of Disruptions or Cessations of University Business Due to Labour Disputes or Other Causes.