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Class and Examination Scheduling, Academic Activities Disruption, Emergencies

Emergency Response Plan

Emergency Procedure, Plans, or Public Safety Information are available in accessible format upon request. 1. Purpose This Emergency Response Plan aims to keep the University community safe.  In alignment with University’s Community Safety Strategic Plan, the Emergency Response Plan (the Plan) establishes the framework for responding to emergency related risks that the University may face […]

Weather Emergency Procedure

1. Purpose This Procedure aims to promote the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, protect property, and help ensure the continuance of critical University operations during emergency scenarios. The procedure seeks to establish a comprehensive and effective approach to response and reduction of impact from an emergency. It is intended to increase the emergency […]

Emergency Management, Policy on

Emergency Procedure, Plans, or Public Safety Information are available in accessible format upon request. 1. Purpose This Policy aims to promote the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, protect property, and help ensure the continuance of critical University operations during emergency scenarios.  The policy outlines the fundamental elements of the University’s emergency management and […]

Academic Accommodation for Students’ Religious Observances (Policy and Procedures)

Preamble York University is a secular institution, committed to sustaining an inclusive, equitable community in which all members are treated with respect and dignity.  The University provides reasonable and appropriate accommodation for students whose religion requires them to be absent from the University for observance of recognized religious days of significance. All students are expected […]

Règlement du Sénat concernant les conséquences sur les études des perturbations ou interruptions des activités de l'Université par des conflits de travail ou par d'autres causes.

la version anglaise Description : remplace le règlement du Sénat concernant les conséquences sur les études des conflits de travail entraînant des perturbations ou interruptions des activités de l'Université; met à jour et généralise le règlement du Sénat concernant les grèves de courte durée. 1. DÉFINITIONS 1.1 Dans le cadre de ce règlement, on considère qu’une […]

Disruptive and/or Harassing Behaviour in Academic Situations, Senate Policy on

Policy Senate affirms that no individual or group of individuals shall cause by action, threat or otherwise, a disturbance that obstructs any academic activity organized by the university or its units. York is committed to policies that support the teaching and learning of controversial subject matter. Students and instructors are, however, expected to maintain a […]

Sessional Dates and the Scheduling of Examinations, Senate Policy on

1. Purpose This Policy sets out the requirements regarding sessional dates and the scheduling of examinations at the University. Sessional dates refer to the permitted days of instruction, specific milestones and formal examination period within a term. 2. Applicability to All Faculties This legislation will apply to all Faculties and programs unless otherwise noted. 3. […]

Conduct of Examinations (Policy and Guidelines)

Senate Policy and Guidelines on the Conduct of Examinations 1. Senate Policy on the Conduct of Examinations 1.1 The Senate of York University affirms the University’s commitment to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in the examination process, in accordance with the standards and principles established in the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty, the […]

Class Cancellation Policy

1. Setting of Class and Examination Schedules Class and examination schedules are set by the Registrar in accordance with the Senate Policy on Sessional Dates and in consultation with the Senate Committee on Curriculum and Academic Standards. 2. Cancellation or Postponement of Classes and Examinations Classes and examinations are not held on public holidays or […]

Academic Implications of Disruptions or Cessations of University Business Due to Labour Disputes or Other Causes, Senate Policy on the

La version française Description: Supersedes the Senate Policy on the Academic Implications of Labour Disputes Resulting in the Disruption or Cessation of University Business; Updates and generalizes the Senate Policy on Strikes of Short Duration. Senate Policy No. 008 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 For the purpose of this policy, a Disruption occurs when academic activities are […]