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Curriculum and Academic Program/Unit Approval and Review

Approval and Cyclical Review of Programs and Other Curriculum, Policy on

Description: This policy has associated procedures. 1. Context and Purposes 1.1 Quality Assurance at York University In 2010 the Council of Ontario Universities [COU] approved protocols for the approval of new programs and other curriculum, and the cyclical review of programs. These protocols are overseen at the provincial level by a Quality Council established by COU. It […]

Undergraduate Co-Registration Options with Ontario Post-secondary Institutions, Policy and Guidelines on

1.  Policy Statement York University is committed to promoting the mobility of students among Ontario’s postsecondary institutions. It shall be the policy of the University to offer co-registration options jointly with accredited post-secondary institutions, when the initiative supports York’s academic objectives. 2.  Guidelines 2.1 Characteristics of Co-Registration Options Co-registration allows York students to concurrently enrol […]

Statement of Principles for External Partnerships

York University has benefited from numerous collaborative relationships that support its academic mission. The current University Academic Plan calls for the pursuit of “opportunities for York to build upon its leadership in…partnerships for teaching, learning and research”. These shall be “consistent with institutional autonomy and the trust reposed by the public.” York recognizes the benefits conferred by these […]

Bridging Programs at York University (Policy and Guidelines)

1. Definitions 1.1 Bridging Program A bridging program has one of two purposes; it provides either: academic preparation and support, language skills and/or experiential knowledge  necessary to enter and succeed in a post-secondary education program; a mode of career-path education for students who hold degrees from abroad and require professional experience in the Canadian context. […]

Integrated Courses, Faculty of Graduate Studies (Policy)

The practice of integrating third or fourth year undergraduate courses with graduate courses has become more common in recent years. Although not all graduate programs offer such courses, a great many do, or would like to. In view of this, Senate has requested that the Faculty of Graduate Studies formulate a policy to regulate the […]

Criteria For The Approval of Course Rubrics

To ensure that York University courses are identified and, to an extent, classified by course rubrics which minimize confusion or possible error concerning the major, discipline or field of study of any given course, the following criteria will be applied for approving the introduction of a new course rubric or adopting the use of a […]

Diplomas: Faculty of Graduate Studies, Senate Guidelines for

"Graduate Diploma" is the term normally applied to a program of studies at a graduate level, requiring admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (but which is not itself a graduate degree), the minimum requirement for which is a baccalaureate or equivalent and eligibility for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The graduate diploma […]

Course Cross-listings, Exclusions and Substitutions (Guidelines and Procedures)

General Course Description Standards: Descriptions Course descriptions should be concise summaries of the general purpose and learning outcomes of the course.  Descriptions must include information about pre-requisites, co-requisites, historical course Maintenance and Annual Review It is the responsibility of the unit offering a course to maintain the accuracy of its course descriptions.  Changes to course […]

Undergraduate Certificate Guidelines and Procedures

I. Undergraduate Certificates Definition: "Undergraduate Certificate" is the term applied to a program of studies attesting to a level of competence or skills in a particular area or field. It is distinct from a defined undergraduate degree program, stream, specialization or informal concentration. A certificate recognizes a specific grouping of courses that i) are cross-disciplinary but […]

Senate Guidelines and Procedures on Organized Research Units

Has associated Policy. GUIDELINES 1.  Roles and Expectations Organized Research Units may be institutionally based or based within Faculties. Institutional ORUs will normally be expected to attract and support a large critical mass of researchers from across multiple units and Faculties. Faculty-based ORUs normally bring together a critical mass of researchers predominantly from a single Faculty. All […]