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Employees, Employment and Workplace

Physical Accessibility of University Facilities (Policy)

Description: Has associated procedure Policy York University is committed to working towards ensuring that its facilities are as accessible as possible to persons with disabilities. To that end, the University will create a process by which persons with disabilities may make known the difficulties they are experiencing in gaining access to and use of existing […]

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy, Policy on

Description: Establishes policy for access to university information while also protecting individual rights to privacy, and brings the University into compliance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act). Policy I. Definitions 1. “Record” means any record of information however recorded, whether in printed form, on film, by electronic means or otherwise, […]

Worker Certification

Description: Delineates the responsibility for obtaining and maintaining certifications required by workers in the performance of their job duties to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. University Procedure No. 008 Purpose This procedure is to ensure that: all certifications that are required to be held by employees to operate equipment or to perform […]

Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities, Procedures on

Description: Deals with the handling of monies by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety; accommodation of job applicants faced with disabilities; deals with long-term employees; has associated policy. A. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. Disability "Disability" or "handicap" refers to all disabilities protected in the Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, Ch.H.19 and is defined in […]

Employees Paid from Research Funds

Description: Employee of faculty member compared to employee of the University. Policy Unless specifically agreed by the University, persons hired under research grants and contracts awarded to York University faculty members, are and shall be the employees of the faculty member, and not the employees of the University. The faculty member is responsible for the […]

Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities

Description: Establishes York's commitment to a barrier-free workplace; applies to students, faculty and staff; Has associated procedure Policy York University is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and to expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Accordingly, York will attempt to accommodate both employees and position applicants with disabilities in a […]