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Financial and Operations

Gift and Sponsorship Acceptance Policy

Gift and Sponsorship Acceptance Policy

1. Purpose 1.1 Overview a. This Policy is intended to guide the acceptance of Gifts and Sponsorships made to the University, including how Gifts and Sponsorships are valued and receipted. b. The University recognizes that its ability to fulfill its Charitable Purposes requires raising Gifts and Sponsorships from a variety of sources. In accepting contributions […]

Long-term Debt Policy

Long-term Debt Policy

1. Purpose Capital projects and other university priorities require a combination of funding sources including internal reserves, external debt, gifts, future revenue streams, and grants.  Debt is an integral component of the University’s overall capital structure. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University has a robust debt management and monitoring review […]

Procurement of Goods and Services (Procedure)

Procurement of Goods and Services (Procedure)

1. Purpose This purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for university employees who have the authority to procure goods and services to make appropriate disclosures should a conflict of interest arise. 2. Scope and Application 2.1 This Procedure applies to all University acquisitions (goods and services, purchase, lease or rent) by University employees […]

Procurement of Goods and Services (Policy)

Procurement of Goods and Services (Policy)

1. Purpose 1.1 This policy establishes the principles for and the context within which University procurement activity may occur. 1.2 York University aspires to high ethical, legal, environmental, managerial and professional standards in the management of the resources entrusted to it.  Within this context, the University’s procurement function shall be performed in an open, fair […]

Brand Stewardship Policy

Brand Stewardship Policy

1.   Background This policy is intended to protect and uphold the image and reputation of the university by regulating the use of brand properties. Protecting the university from inappropriate associations or use is desirable for the establishment and promotion of a professional and distinctive image for the university. This policy is designed to limit the […]

Social Procurement Policy

Social Procurement Policy

1.     Purpose York aims to increase the number of employment, apprenticeship and training opportunities for people from the University’s local neighborhoods, other equity-seeking communities, and Aboriginal Peoples, and to broaden York’s supply chain by providing diverse vendors with equitable access to tender opportunities to foster inclusive economic growth. 2.    Scope and Application 2.1 This policy […]

Payment Card Data Security Procedures

Payment Card Data Security Procedures

Description: Describes the requirements and detailed procedures for York University departments, offices and units accepting payment card transactions to be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Definitions Acquirer: A financial services company that fulfills the dual role of providing merchant banking and card transaction processing services. AOC: An Attestation of […]

Records and Information Management (Policy)

Records and Information Management (Policy)

Description: Establishes policy for management of records and information at York University. Has associated guidelines and procedures. Policy I. Definition “Record” means any record of information however recorded, whether in printed form, on film, by electronic means or otherwise, and includes: correspondence, a memorandum, a book, a plan, a map, a drawing, a diagram, a pictorial […]

eCommerce Services on York University Web Sites

eCommerce Services on York University Web Sites

Description: Specifies the requirement for authority for engaging in eCommerce and the responsibilities and administrative processes related to eCommerce applications on York University web sites. Background The Internet has changed the way business is conducted between the University and its customers. Because of the complications and obligations which arise doing business on the Internet, the University must authorize […]