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University Grounds and Physical Facilities

Recognition - Physical Naming, Procedure

1. Purpose These Procedures are implemented pursuant to the Recognition – Physical Naming Policy (the “Policy”). The below outlines the procedures for Naming, including approval, re-Naming, revocation and retirement pursuant to the Policy. Procedures for renewal or extension of Naming are also set out below. 2. Definitions All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in these […]

Recognition – Physical Naming Policy

1. Preamble This Policy governs naming opportunities of University Assets at York University (the “University”) to recognize exceptional philanthropic contributions and generous benefactions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to the University, as well as to honor distinguished individuals or entities for extraordinary and outstanding contributions to humanity, the community, or society at large. 2. Purpose […]

Utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (Directive)

la version anglaise 1. Introduction et objectif 1.1 Sous réserve des dispositions du Règlement sur l’utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (le « Règlement TUUS »), l’Université York rendra, à sa discrétion, l’utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires accessible aux membres de la communauté universitaire lorsque celle-ci est conforme aux principes reflétés dans l’objectif, la mission et […]

Utilisation temporaire des locaux universitaires (Politique)

la version anglaise 1. PRÉAMBULE 1.1 Sous réserve des dispositions du présent règlement, l’Université York rendra, à sa discrétion, l’utilisation temporaire des locaux de l’Université accessible aux membres de la communauté universitaire lorsqu’elle est conforme aux principes reflétés dans l’objet, la mission et les valeurs de l’Université. 1.2 Comme indiqué dans le Code des droits […]

Temporary Use of University Space (Guideline)

French version Introduction and Purpose Subject to the terms of the Temporary Use of University Space Regulation (the “TUUS Regulation”), York University will, in its discretion, make temporary use of University space accessible to members of the University community where the use of space is consistent with the principles reflected in the University’s purpose, mission, […]

Temporary Use of University Space (Regulation)

French version Preamble Subject to the terms of this Regulation, York University will, in its discretion, make temporary use of University space accessible to members of the University community where the use of space is consistent with the principles reflected in the University’s purpose, mission, and values. As set out in the Code of Student […]

Displaying of Flags on University Property, Policy

1. Purpose To define the authority and rationale and establish guidelines concerning the flying of flags on official flagstaffs of the University. 2. Authority, Scope and Application 2.1 This Policy is enacted by the President of York University under the authority of subsection 13 (2) b) of the York University Act (1965). 2.2 This Policy […]

Posters, Procedure

1. Definitions 1.1 In this Procedure “Approval Authority” means an office or an entity that may authorize a poster under section 5. “Bulletin Board” means a space designated for posters, “General Use Bulletin Boards” means a bulletin board provided on each campus for the temporary promotion of events and services or information sharing on University […]

Posters, Policy on

PREAMBLE York University has both the right and responsibility to manage the access to - and the use of - its spaces to maintain and improve the physical environment, promote ecological sustainability, and ensure compliance with University policies, procedures, and regulations, including but not limited to the Statement of Policy on Free Speech. The University […]

Brand Stewardship Procedures

Description: Outlines the procedures for using, managing and developing the University's brand properties as defined in the Brand Stewardship Policy (BSP). The Brand Stewardship Procedures include new and more robust measures and requirements that are applicable to university administrators, faculty administrators, academics serving in an administrative role on a short or long-term basis, and staff […]