Undergraduate Co-Registration Options with Ontario Post-secondary Institutions, Policy and Guidelines on

Topic: Curriculum and Academic Program/Unit Approval and Review
Approval Authority: Senate

1.  Policy Statement

York University is committed to promoting the mobility of students among Ontario’s postsecondary institutions. It shall be the policy of the University to offer co-registration options jointly with accredited post-secondary institutions, when the initiative supports York’s academic objectives.

2.  Guidelines

2.1 Characteristics of Co-Registration Options

Co-registration allows York students to concurrently enrol in courses at another post-secondary institution for credit towards their degree programs at York, and students from the other institution to enrol in courses at York for credits towards their degree program. [1] Co-registration options provide for:

a. Inclusion of grades earned through the option on transcripts issued by York (including failing grades)

b. academic unit approval of the courses included in the co-registration option

c. a streamlined administrative process for students

2.2 Academic Regulations Governing Co-registration Options for York Students

a. Students must have Honours standing to be eligible for a co-registration option. Students on academic warning, debarment warning, academic probation, or who have committed a breach of academic honesty will not be eligible. Similarly, students who are no longer in good standing or become ineligible to proceed will have their enrolment in courses at the partner institution revoked.

b. Students must have earned the equivalent of at least 24 credits at York towards their undergraduate degree program to be eligible for a co-registration option.

c. A maximum of 24 credits can be taken over their degree through a co-registration option. The number of co-registration courses permitted per session will be determined by the relevant Memorandum of Understanding. Individual degree programs may establish a lower number of credits available to students in that program.

d. Where necessary, final grades achieved in courses taken at the partner institution will be converted to the York 9.0 grade scale according to established correlations used by the York University Registrar’s Office.

e. All co-registration courses and the York equivalent grade achieved will be included on York students’ transcripts. Consistent with the Senate Common Grading Scheme for Undergraduate Faculties, credit will be awarded for courses in which a York-equivalent grade of D or above is achieved.

f. All co-registration courses and the York equivalent grade achieved will be included in the calculation of a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA), including failing grades.

g. Credits earned at partner institutions will not count towards meeting York's residency requirement.

h. The Pass / Fail grading option cannot be used for courses taken through a co-registration option.

i. The Senate policy on Repeating Passed or Failed Courses for Academic Credit applies to courses taken through a co-registration option.

j. The Senate Policy and Guidelines on Academic Honesty applies to courses taken through a co-registration option at the partner institution. Allegations of a breach of academic honesty in courses taken through a co-registration option shall be dealt with by the student’s home Faculty at York.

k. Petitions for waiver of academic regulations or deadlines for courses taken through a co-registration option shall be considered by the student’s home Faculty at York through the existing petitions process.

l. Requests for grade reappraisals in courses taken through a co-registration option shall follow the process available to students at the partner institution offering the course.

Co-registration options may not be available for students in professional programs that are externally accredited. Individual co-registration programs will identify degree programs to which the option is not applicable.

3.  Approval Authority

Co-Registration Options are established by Senate on recommendation from its Senate Committee on Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy (ASCP), which oversees the application and evolution of this policy and guidelines. ASCP also approves any new course rubrics established to support Co-Registration agreements.

Co-Registration Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) are established and signed by the Vice-President Academic and Provost on behalf of the University. Such agreements shall ensure that the partner institution requires its students to be in good academic standing to be eligible for co-registration in courses at York University.

4.  Implementation

4.1 List of Co-registration Courses

A list of courses available for a Co-Registration Option will be established by the respective Registrar’s Office in consultation with programs and departments at York University prior to each term or session.

Course credit exclusions already established through the transfer credit assessment process will apply; any new course credit exclusions will be established by the department.

Courses at the partner institution without a York University course credit exclusion may count as an elective course towards meeting degree requirements.

4.2  Co-registration Courses on York Transcripts

Course titles and grades for courses taken by York students through a co-registration program will appear on the York transcript in the session during which they were completed, using the rubric specified for the particular co-registration agreement.

4.3  Sessional Dates

The sessional dates (i.e., start and end of term, examination period, drop deadlines, etc.) of the institution offering courses for co-registration shall apply to York students.

[1] The policy and guidelines are enabling legislation for the development and approval of Co-registration Options with Ontario post-secondary institutions. Students in good standing may continue to enroll in courses elsewhere for credit towards a degree at York University through the Letter of Permission (LOP) process.

Legislative History: Approved by Senate on 2013/05/23;