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About Us

The York University Co-operative Daycare Centre (YUCDC) is situated on the Keele campus of York University, the second largest University in Ontario and the third in Canada. The YUCDC is located on the first floor of one of York University’s residences, Atkinson College.

The YUCDC was first founded in June 1969 by a group of parents who were pursuing their studies at the university. By the fall of 1970, the need for childcare increased and the Centre opened its doors to 37 licensed spaces in one of the graduate residences. Through the years, the need for childcare continued to increase and in 1973 the university decided to continue its partnership with the YUCDC, relocating it to a larger space in Atkinson College residence where the YUCDC currently operates its programs with 119 licensed spaces.

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Our Mandate

York University Co-operative Daycare Centre’s mandate is to work in partnership with families to support and foster an inclusive learning environment for the children in our care.

Our Values

We value children
York University Co-operative Daycare Centre believes in providing children with opportunities to develop emotionally, socially, physically.