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Our Values

We value children
York University Co-operative Daycare Centre believes in providing children with opportunities to develop emotionally, socially, physically, creatively, and cognitively in an environment that fosters co-operation and a sense of responsibility and order.

We value parents’ input and participation
We encourage parents to actively participate in the Centre, and we provide them with opportunities to help with daily activities as well as the Centre’s management. We encourage parents to see the Centre as integral part of their children’s child-rearing experience.

We value and support our staff
Our staff are committed to providing enriching childcare that fosters the healthy development of children. Your children will love our talented, patient, caring, warm, and personable staff members.

We support our staff by creating a positive working environment that is enhanced by open communication, clear job descriptions, performance evaluations, development opportunities, and opportunities to provide input in decision-making processes. Our healthy staff morale and co-operation helps us maintain a high-quality daycare program.

We practice our values
We strive to put this philosophy into practice by working collaboratively with staff and parents to create programming, nutrition plans, and facilities that provide children with opportunities to develop emotionally, socially, physically, creatively, and cognitively. We are committed to providing children with individual guidance as they navigate the difficult stages of child development. Our teachers and parents work together to recognize these stages as they emerge and to create suitable experiences that nurture and challenge children as they develop.