The Sociology Video Project

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More Information about Initiatives for the Hard-of-Hearing at York

A memo from Robert J. Drummond, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

This past summer I had occasion to meet with an alumnus of York, Mr. Angelo Tocco, who had come back from his teaching job to undertake a summer project for the Office for Persons with Disabilities.  As a hard-of-hearing student, this young man encountered the barriers to learning that face deaf and hard-of-hearing students at York and he has been eager to help us overcome those barriers for the next generation of students.  One of the outcomes is a site you can access at

Another was an effort to alert faculty to some of the issues they might never have considered as they plan materials for their courses. 

I'd like you to ask your colleagues to think, as they plan their courses for the coming year, whether there are materials (e.g., films and videos) which may be inaccessible to deaf students who might take their classes.  (Interpreters find it well-nigh impossible to interpret a film, and students who have to watch the interpreter and the film have great difficulty doing so.) 

If films or videos are not captioned, and if you plan to use them, what means might there be for providing a deaf (or indeed a visually impaired) student alternative access to the material?  If you know in advance what you plan to use (and especially if you know you will have one or more deaf students) the Office for Persons with Disabilities may be able to help you figure out how best to make the needed accommodations.  If OPD learns of the problem the day before the film is to be shown, the issue becomes less manageable.  I hope you and your colleagues will give some thought to these issues as we plan for next year's courses.

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