Title: The other side Rating: 2.3 out of 4 Reference: Director & producer, Laurel Angeloff. Library of Congress subjects: Cerebrovascular disease--Patients—Rehabilitation Cerebrovascular disease--Patients--Family relationships Caregivers--Psychology Caregivers--Family relationships Sociology subjects: 2 Heartfelt, educational on issues of care-giving for those who’ve had a stroke. But little discussion of structural issues of health care, no material from perspective of people who’ve had a stroke, few sociological insights. Lecture topic: care & care-giving. Lachlan Story 2.5 Engaging people - one caregiver is a university student, well-edited, Canadian context helpful for sociology of health classes. However, accounts are overwhelmingly individual-oriented & offer only snippets of sociological commentary. Sample is all white & middle-class. Lecture topics: sociology of health, experience of illness, care-giving. Kathy Bischoping & Riley Olstead 2 This 20-minute video presents first person perspectives on care-giving for family members who experience stroke and serious illness. The narratives provide a critique of the health care system by pointing out the isolation, lack of formal supports, losses and lifestyle changes care-givers experience. While touching and emotionally powerful, the perspectives provided are those of white, upper middle-class traditional-family care-givers, and do not address issues related to the unpaid nature of caring labour, nor the gendered/raced nature of that labour. Therefore, the analysis seems quite incomplete. Susan Braedley 2.5 This video displays the struggles of not only
the victims of stroke, but also of their families and friends. Loss
of the ability to communicate, inability to partake in activities, hobbies
and professions suffering or ending completely, are just some of the
examples featured of what makes this experience so devastating for stroke
victims and their close ones. It was interesting to see that the recovery
process either served to strengthen or breakdown relationships between
stroke victims, their family members and friends. Especially with the
population aging, this video becomes more important as it is an effective
display of the quality of life for stroke victims and caregivers after
the stroke. However, this video is terribly depressing and sad to watch.
Suitable difficulty for students at any level. Belinda Godwin
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