Launched! The new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships

Launched! The new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships

Have you heard the good news? On Wednesday, July 10, the new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships launched to York faculty and staff! This is the fourth project to go live within the Student Systems Renewal Program (SSRP), which all play a part in enhancing the student, faculty and staff experience at York University.

With this new solution, students can search, apply for and track applications all in one place, and some awards will even be automatically awarded based on the criteria entered while creating a Student Profile. For faculty and staff, ways of working will also be transformed through a new streamlined process where they’ll be able to review and distribute awards through one single solution.

Students: While the solution has launched, students will start using it at different times. Current undergraduate and graduate students will begin to receive communications about usage beginning late July and into early August, in line with awards application timelines. Students will be notified that they may start to receive communications from the system including whether there are specific actions to take to apply for and receive funding. Not a student at York yet? Prospective students will be introduced to the new solution as part of the regular admissions processes and will be directed to use it accordingly.

Launching the new Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships solution is a significant achievement. York is one of the first universities in Canada to be implementing a sophisticated awards solution which will streamline the way students access financial aid, awards and scholarship opportunities. York is breaking ground as the first university in Canada to be running this new solution, and it will streamline the way students access financial aid, awards and scholarship opportunities. With personalized options, increased visibility and more claimed awards, York will be better positioned as a university of choice for students around the world.

A lot of work went into launching this new solution, including countless hours of training and testing. Resources have been created to help support faculty and staff as they begin to use the solution, including a Help Guide, drop-in training sessions and more.

There will be help for students, too! The solution is easy to use, but if students have questions once they start using it, FAQs, help and supports will be made available.

The journey doesn’t end here, though – the SSRP is working on more exciting enhancements for the York community. To get the latest news and updates, check back often.