Yumiko Sakamoto   Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow
Yumi was a post-doctoral fellow from 2011 until 2012. She received her PhD in the spring of 2011 under the supervision of Dr. Jacquie Vorauer at the University of Manitoba.

How do we improve intergroup relations?
Individuals are often preoccupied with how they are being viewed by outgroup others (evaluative concerns), and this preoccupation can produce various negative outcomes during intergroup contacts. Under higher evaluative concerns, intergroup contact experiences often become awkward, and individuals may even avoid such interactions altogether. I am investigating one of the predictors of evaluative concerns, evaluative uncertainty. Individuals are prone to experience higher evaluative concerns when they are unsure about how they are viewed by the others. My research goals are: to investigate the nature of evaluative uncertainty and ultimately, to reduce evaluative uncertainty and improve intergroup relations.





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© 2007 Jennifer Steele, Ph.D., York University.                For information about this website please contact Erik Allen at eallen2@yorku.ca                Last updated: 2024-06-05