Elizabeth Wong   Ryerson MA Practicum (Summer 2012)
Elizabeth Wong is a graduate student at Ryerson University in Psychological Science. She graduated from Ryerson with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Her research interests include the effect stereotypes have on performance and cognition. She is also interested in the how stereotypes affect future choices and aspirations related to academics and sports. Her undergraduate thesis examined the role of video game avatar gender in moderating stereotype threat effects on athletic performance and self-perceptions. Elizabeth spent the summer of 2012 conducting a practicum in the IPSC lab, but continues to pursue her MA/PhD at Ryerson University under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Dionne (http://www.ryerson.ca/~mdionne/Health%20and%20Sport%20Members.html).





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© 2007 Jennifer Steele, Ph.D., York University.                For information about this website please contact Erik Allen at eallen2@yorku.ca                Last updated: 2024-06-05