Octavia Wong   
Octavia graduated from the York University Faculty of Health Specialized Honours program in Psychology in 2016. During her time as an undergraduate, Octavia was a research assistant and an independent study student in the IPSC lab. In fall of 2017, Octavia began her graduate studies in Kinesiology and Health Sciences here at York University. Octavia completed her practicum in our lab in 2017/2018 and was a co-author on a paper published in 2021. Lapytskaia Aidy, C., Steele, J. R., Williams, A., Lipman, C., Wong, O., & Mastragostino, E. (2021). Examining adolescent daughters’ and their parents’ academic-gender stereotypes: Predicting academic attitudes, ability, and STEM intentions. Journal of Adolescence, 93, 90-104.





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© 2007 Jennifer Steele, Ph.D., York University.                For information about this website please contact Erik Allen at eallen2@yorku.ca                Last updated: 2024-06-05