Emily Cyr   SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Emily is completing her PhD in Social Psychology at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Dr. Bergsieker. Emily researches how gender stereotypes influence our perceptions of romantic partners, and how objective social network structures moderate our behaviours and attitudes. She is a member of the Engendering Success in STEM consortium (https://successinstem.ca/) where she is a central member of both the PRISM (Promoting Rising Inclusion and STEM Motivation in adolescence) and RISE (Realizing Identity-Safe Environments in the workplace) research groups. Some of her additional research interests include intergroup trust, negotiation strategies, and minority-majority interactions. For her SSHRC post-doctoral fellowship, Emily will build from her PRISM research by examining new ways to boost girls' belonging and persistence in STEM.





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© 2007 Jennifer Steele, Ph.D., York University.                For information about this website please contact Erik Allen at eallen2@yorku.ca                Last updated: 2024-06-05