The Sustainability Innovation Fund supports projects that advance climate action and York’s net zero goal.
To advance York’s ambitious plans for sustainability, the Sustainability Innovation Fund (SIF) supports sustainability projects on the York University campuses. The spring 2024 round of the Sustainability Innovation Fund is specifically to support projects that can advance climate action at the University, support our net zero goals, and contribute to advancing Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action).
Applications are welcome from all faculty, staff and students and proposed projects should take place on one of York’s campuses. Proposals may address direct or indirect emissions including those produced by commuting, energy, food, waste, behaviour change, awareness and engagement or nature-based solutions.
A selection committee will evaluate the applications using the Proposal Assessment Rubric and will make recommendations for funding to the President.
Key Milestones | Timing |
Call for Proposals Opens | TBD |
Information Sessions | TBD |
Application Deadline | TBD |
Review and Adjudication Process | TBD |
Announcement and Funding to Recipients | TBD |
The next call for proposals will be confirmed.
We are currently NOT accepting applications.
Ready to submit?
Note: please ensure you have read the funding criteria and eligibility details below.

Funding criteria and eligibility
Successful proposals will receive funding in June 2024 and the projects are expected to be completed within one year. Successful proposals will have a sustainability plan to pursue the project beyond SIF and secure follow-on funding.
Projects focused on identifying, accelerating, and evaluating climate mitigation solutions and strategies are encouraged, and may take the form of requests for:
- seed funding (including piloting ideas ahead of larger proposals in future rounds of the SIF, or external grant applications), or
- funding where there are matching funds from an academic unit or administrative office, or
- projects that can be achieved generally with up to $10,000 from SIF (although compelling proposals requesting up to $25k may be considered).
Criteria & Eligibility
Campus Sustainability
Successful projects will take place on York University campus(es). Applicants are encouraged to propose projects to use the campus as a test bed to pilot new strategies, processes, technologies, events or to gain new insights for behaviour change.
Alignment with Institutional Priorities
Proposals must align with institutional priorities, specifically by advancing the University’s net zero goal, as well as contribute to advancing Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action).
Project team
All members of project teams must be affiliated with York University, with EDI considerations. In the project plan, teams must include a clear plan for how the team will work together throughout the project period and the key contributions of each team member.
Proposals should define key performance indicators (KPIs) and/or other metrics of success in the project plan. Specifically, demonstrate how GHG emissions can be reduced through project outcomes or the insights it generates within the timeframe specified.
Scalability and project sustainability
Awards under this program are intended to provide funding for projects which have the ability to scale across the University or beyond. The application needs to demonstrate how the project will continue once the funds have been used or impacts will be ongoing and the likelihood to pursue and secure follow-on funding.
Ineligible projects include:
- Course conversions
- Faculty research projects
- Commercialization or for-profit businesses
- Non-campus related projects

Funding SIF projects