Load the contents of the given mailbox onto the accumulator (calculator). Note: the contents of the mailbox are not changed.
Store the contents of the accumulator (calculator) to the mailbox of the given address. Note: the contents of the accumulator are not changed.
Add the contents of the given mailbox onto the accumulator (calculator). Note: the contents of the mailbox are not changed, and the actions of the accumulator are not defined for add instructions that cause sums larger than 3 digits.
Subtract the contents of the given mailbox from the accumulator (calculator). Note: the contents of the mailbox are not changed, and the actions of the accumulator are not defined for subtract instructions that cause negative results -- however, a negative flag will be set so that BRP can be used properly (see below).
Copy the value from the "in box" onto the accumulator (calculator).
Copy the value from the accumulator (calculator) to the "out box". Note: the contents of the accumulator are not changed.
Causes the Little Man Computer to stop executing your program.
If the contents of the accumulator (calculator) are 000, the PC (program counter) will be set to the given address. Note: since the program is stored in memory, data and program instructions all have the same address/location format.
If the contents of the accumulator (calculator) are 000 or positive (i.e. the negative flag is not set), the PC (program counter) will be set to the given address. Note: since the program is stored in memory, data and program instructions all have the same address/location format.
Set the contents of the accumulator (calculator) to the given address. Note: since the program is stored in memory, data and program instructions all have the same address/location format.
When compiled, a program converts each instruction into a three-digit
code. These codes are placed in sequential mailboxes. Instead
of a program component, this instruction will reserve the next mailbox
for data storage.